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  1. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    Hey guise. I know it was not the time to harvest but that smell... Will have to upgrade my grow cabinet with carbon filter before i do my second grow. For now ill enjoy not fully ripe ak47. Trichomes are most milky. Some amber and some clear so maybe it wont be very low potency. I just placed...
  2. wattage

    my 5 element Scrog gro

    heey looks nice, hows it going?
  3. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    Well it may not look different in the photos, but it looks like its not dying more anymore. And I dont know if it is for sure or it only looks to me, but looks like buds started growing again, many buds appeared on the bottom (maybe its 600w led lamp i recently bought). I was thinking to...
  4. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    So when I did alcohol therapy, it worked with spiders, but my plant looks very sick. It looks like a deficiency and like toxicity. I dont know whats happening and what to do. Buds seem ok, hope it wont die till harvest...
  5. wattage

    2 X (Special Queen 1#) Coco hydro hybrid Scrog 250W

    Whoah, nice grow. No worries about dry leaves? I want to ask you a few questions, if you have time to answer. Where did you get info about what and how much of nutrients to add? It looked very complicated, would love to know what those numbers mean. Also, coudn't completely understand what kind...
  6. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    Well this method didn't really work. So I wiped underside of the leaves with alcohol/water mix. And then sprayed it all over. I hope that wont kill the plant and kill those damn spiders...
  7. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    Thanks for comments. I've bought a new lamp. But Ive got some sad news. I noticed spider mites, so I bought from local gardening center potassium soap. Ive sprayed the plant with it. The bud hairs (dunno how called) started getting brown today. Seems like my plant is already one foot in the...
  8. wattage

    HPS or CFL into closet?

    Hey. I've got a closet grow with 8 small cfls and it is sooo annoying. I want 1 or 2 bigger lamps better. Im poor and I cant buy a good LED light (would prefer though). Something like Galaxyhydro UFO 130w lamps looks great, but shipping to europe costs like lamp itself. I can't find any of those...
  9. wattage

    To flower or not to flower.

    Yeah I guess. It would also make use of light better (distribution would be better) and you would have a stretch control when the flowering starts
  10. wattage

    To flower or not to flower.

    Have you considered scrogging? Looks like it would work like a charm there
  11. wattage

    Critical Kush (Barneys Farm)

    Interesting read. Where did you learn LST?
  12. wattage

    First grow. Auto AK47. CFL closet

    Hey everyone. This is my first grow and its going well above my expectations. I just randomly bought some seeds, didn't know anything about the growing. Kept seeds for 1 year and managed to germinate 2/10 seeds. First one was growing OK, I had put it in my balcony. Then my cat came and shat on...
  13. wattage

    First CFL Stealth Grow Auto Somango + Uknown Buddha seed

    Hey, looks very cute. And I think its still too early to think about dark spots. It looks healthy to me. Good luck with your box of happiness :D
  14. wattage

    Continuous Bin Grow

    Wow looks really science fiction. Definatelly a space bucket. Nice growin
  15. wattage

    First grow, would like tips

    Well, I bought seeds as autos, got an extra free seeds, its one of them. Other seeds are dead, one was left, I dont know if they gifted me an auto or not. Well, ill just use my 18/6 schedule. I noticed that when lights are off, the leaves bend down. Does that mean anything? I will definatelly...
  16. wattage

    First grow, would like tips

    Hi, i have a fun simple grow. It's my first one. Not much space and I want to get best results. Am I doing it right? Plant is 3 weeks old. Is it growing good? Is there any way to know if its an automatic strain? Thanks
  17. wattage

    Already wasted one of two plants. Need help.

    Dude, thanks! Did that and everything seems to be going nicely. I'm just not sure how many lights should/can I put? I already have 2 lights on and I dont want to do light-burn or something. Is it better if I put more lights? I've picked up some kind of soil that seemed appropriate for this and...
  18. wattage

    Already wasted one of two plants. Need help.

    Thanks very much for reply. I've already put the plant in big pot. Is that bad? How many cfl lights do I need for a plant the size of this one?
  19. wattage

    Already wasted one of two plants. Need help.

    Thing is, seeds are hard to get here
  20. wattage

    Already wasted one of two plants. Need help.

    Sup guys. I want to ask for help. I grew one plant, (~2-3 weeks), at day took it outside, watered irregularly, then put it under 3 CFL lamps and it started getting brown at the edges, then white, it looked bad. Then my cat came, shat in that pot and that plant is now dead. So I have one more...