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  1. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Was looking at getting some of the bat shit myself for next year also going to give worm casting a try as well.Shit...the magic of growing!!!!All natural RULES!!!
  2. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Top off of my Ripper Criminal harvested today...Says Mid Sept finish.Looked really nice under the scope...50/50 Cloudy/Amber.Just took off the top...going to give it a few more days for the rest.
  3. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Pretty little girls you have there!
  4. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    For those interested in my technique...I grow in 2-3 year old rotted cow manure along with some more rotted cow manure...then finally add...some more rotted cow manure....LOL...I do add a touch of perlite just to make sure it isnt 100% cow manure.My holes hold from 20-30 gallons.BIG HOLES= Big...
  5. Slimedog1

    What's your coldest temps so far ?

    got down to 39 last week here...forecast for my area calls for SUPER huge buds in two weeks...ROFL
  6. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    A few more pics of my garden.Greenhouse Seeds The Dr. Ripper Criminal TH seeds Sage and Sour These pics were taken today Sept 23
  7. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Nice to see some of the northern boys know how to do it up right.Keep up the great work ryeguy.
  8. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Thanks for the likes my friends...going to post up a few of mt greenhouse seeds...The Doctor
  9. Slimedog1

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    And who says us northern boys dont know how to grow some Queens?Royal Queens Special Queens #1!Over 8' on these with at least few weeks to go.
  10. Slimedog1

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Has anyone heard of illumitex? Check out their website. Just ordered me up one and going to give it a try 5watt LED's.... I will be showing you the progress of my project...LOL
  11. Slimedog1

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    I am a newbie to the site,i have been growing for almost 30 years but I do not comsider myself a expert. I placed a order with the tude and seeds arrived in 10 days.I have not germinated any of them yet.I have bought from many places and many different strains.All I can say is that no matter who...