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  1. R

    Leaves curling inward with brown spotting

    I have brown spotting on two plants which were moved from smaller containers. These are indoor grown from an unknown strain (bag seed). I did add a light fertilizer mix, and pH levels are okay. Any suggestions as to what the cause may be?
  2. R

    Leaves scorched by grow light

    Hey guys, A FOAF has two plants that have some partially scorched leaves when a reflector came down and the CFL touched a few leaves. Does he keep the leaves on the plant, trim off the burnt areas, or removed the damaged leaves altogether? Bob
  3. R

    Best way to stake a plant?

    Probably the sun then. Once back inside and under the grow lights, the plants straightened out. Thanks for the responses.
  4. R

    Best way to stake a plant?

    About two weeks. They were fine for a while, then placed outside for some natural light, then started to lilt.
  5. R

    Best way to stake a plant?

    A FOAF has some plants which are starting to wobble over. He has use the shish kebab sticks and garbage twist ties to keep the growth in place. However, the ties keep falling down. What is the best way to keep the ties close to the stake without cutting into the plant flesh? Thanks.
  6. R

    24 hour lighting

    So a friend has new batch of plants coming up. Is it necessary to have the lights on all the time? I have heard mixed reports of 14, 18 and 24 hour time periods. What is the best way to ensure the growth of female plants?
  7. R

    Yellow leaves falling off at three weeks

    I purchased some high end CFLs at the hardware store at lunch, and will set up tonight. Based upon the pictures I submitted, is it worth salvaging my existing low light plants, or focus bulbs and efforts on the new batch coming up?
  8. R

    Yellow leaves falling off at three weeks

    That makes sense. I am reading the GrowFAQ now. Have to hit the hardware store on the way home. Thanks.
  9. R

    Yellow leaves falling off at three weeks

    No I am using a blue grow spotlight. See the attached picture, bulb on the left most side. If I place the Sylvania grow light closer to the plants, they will definitely wilt. If I am understanding you, then I place a CFL (what wattage?) over each plant. When do I switch to the blue grow lights?
  10. R

    Yellow leaves falling off at three weeks

    The plants below are experiencing symptoms to what I have read in other threads: bottom leaves falling off, upper ones yellowing and or curling in. Both are about nine inches high and three to four weeks old (forgot the germination date). Lost two other plants completely last week. I am...
  11. R

    Accuracy of electric vs reagent pH testers

    Which do you consider more accurate: reagent testers or electronic ones? In testing soil recently, two separate reagent tests indicate a soil pH about 5.5 to 6. Using an electronic probe from Mosser Lee shows a pH around 7.