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  1. SensiSoulJah

    Can you save hash that has mold on it?

    So I got a quarter pound of some bubble that I left sitting in a ziplock bag in my buddies trunk (the car was out of commission for a few months and used it for storage). Apparently it wasn't fully dried, or some outside moisture got in the bag... I believe the latter is more possible, it was...
  2. SensiSoulJah

    When to plant outdoors in Northern California?

    Thanks for all the replies, ill start begining some clones sooner than later I guess. Dirttyd I live in San Diego. No just kidding, Is mendo north enough? I see lots of people with Norcal decals on their windows, or their clothes, so yes I guess i would be northern california. What's your cutoff...
  3. SensiSoulJah

    When to plant outdoors in Northern California?

    Thanks for all the replies, ill start begging some clones sooner than later I guess. Dirttyd I live in San Diego. No just kidding, Is mendo north enough? I see lots of people with Norcal decals on there windows, or their clothes, so yes I guess i would be northern california. What's your cutoff...
  4. SensiSoulJah

    When to plant outdoors in Northern California?

    Hey guys, quick question for anyone who is in the NorCal area. Now I've been growing indoors for about 5 years, finally have my chance to try outdoor this year. I know I remember reading that you can plant a seed on mothers day (May 8th this year) as a general point in time, but the idea is...