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  1. G

    21 days

    Oh and I also gave it a quarter strength of nutrients
  2. G

    Need help 2

    Ok thanks I appreciate your help
  3. G

    21 days

    The medium is Coco and how far should I keep the light from the plant and I'm using 4 T5 florescencent 24w 6400k
  4. G

    21 days

    Hey guys looking for some help I started 25 days ago from seed my plant doesn't seem to be growing vertically the way I think it should . It seems to be in good health and doing fine but my plant is not growing vertically . Here are some pictures ,remember 25 days from germination. Should it...
  5. G

    Need help 2

    And I don't know if this helps but I'm 21 days in from germinating should my plant be that small ?
  6. G

    Need help 2

    Ok so how do I go about changing that ? I'm going to give nutrients for the first time at 50% strength should I do that or should I continue to water with Cal mag and SuperThrive?
  7. G

    Need help 2

    I am and ph is around 6.5 to 6.8
  8. G

    Need help 2

    @zeddd.722065/. Finally got the pictures to upload
  9. G

    Need help 2

    Hi I need some help I'm a new grower I started off using pure of coco from General hydroponics Coco tech .I started my Seed and a solo cup germinating in paper towel paper my problem is I think I over planted by putting it in a 3 gallon pot too early here a few pictures doesn't seem to be...
  10. G

    Need help

    Lol I'll try it thanks
  11. G

    Need help

    Ok thanks !!
  12. G

    Need help

    @ zeddd by any chance do you know how to upload the photos it won't allow me
  13. G

    Need help

    Hi I need some help I'm a new grower I started off using pure of coco from General hydroponics Coco tech .I started my Seed and a solo cup germinating in paper towel paper my problem is I think I over planted by putting it in a 3 gallon pot too early here a few pictures doesn't seem to be...