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  1. T

    New indoor grow with 6 strains...

    Hey all! Back for another entry. All the plants are looking great! I was dealing with a pH imbalance in my mix, but have righted that around with some pH up. Thanks to my friends at the local grow shop for all the help! If you have not made friends with the lovely people at your local grow...
  2. T

    New indoor grow with 6 strains...

    The heat can be tricky... It got to 110 the other day, in the sealed of space that has AC, and I had to move all my plants downstairs for a night, lights and all. That was a giant pain in the ass, but had go be done. That was the only day I have not been able to keep the room at an agreeable...
  3. T

    My pH is wonky... I could use some help...

    So, back for another post today. I had to take my t5 bay back to the shop, one of the six bulbs did not work, actually the ballast did not work. But, the new new one is up and shining bright. I had some really bad yellowing and curling show up in almost all the plants, almost overnight. I...
  4. T

    New indoor grow with 6 strains...

    So, back for another post today. I had to take my t5 bay back to the shop, one of the six bulbs did not work, actually the ballast did not work. But, the new new one is up and shining bright. I had some really bad yellowing and curling show up in almost all the plants, almost overnight. I...
  5. T

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    Lol... Damn bugs! But, they are a part of the circle of life too! Must be some reason for them, even if we fail to recognize what that reason is.
  6. T

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    I have been researching this a lot recently. It seems to be the general consensus to leave the leaves alone, no pun intended. I have read a lot of journals from farmers who do trim the fan leaves, but for every one that does trim leaves, there seem to be four or five that argue against it. So...
  7. T

    New indoor grow with 6 strains...

    Hello all! This is my first grow journal. Thanks for reading. Strains: Blue Mystic Blue Hash Arjan's Strawberry Haze Lemon Skunk Critical + Diesel (original) I am about a month into this grow, in a brand new garden. I am set up in an attic, so the space is shaped like a tent...
  8. T

    Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?

    What in the balls does this have to do with growing a nice crop? If you need relationship advice call Dr. Phil... This site is for gardening, not relationship issues. Go toke some green and go to town on her, or him, just be sure to wrap it up.