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  1. S

    Potential problem

    I'd say I have 2 weeks until I harvest her.
  2. S

    Question about harvesting

    My Internet service is crap right now. So I figured I'd just post them via my phone (which I probably should have done in the beginning, but it's such a pain). The pics above are of the plant that was stunted. Oh Jeebus, I didn't come prepared. I think what I was referring was just feeding...
  3. S

    Question about harvesting

    My Internet service is crap right now. So I figured I'd just post them via my phone (which I probably should have done in the beginning, but it's such a pain). I have a second plant that I started at the same time, but was stunted and is probably a week or 2 behind the plant in question. The...
  4. S

    Question about harvesting

    It seems as though I opened up a wasps nest. It was not my intention, I've just been reading and reading and reading about "flushing" plants before they're harvested. So, back to my original question oh connoisseur's of cannabis, how long do you think until I can chop this mother down and start...
  5. S

    Question about harvesting

    I'm trying to send pics from my phone to my computer, but we're being hit with a blizzard and my internet service is kinda crappy. please be patient xD
  6. S

    Question about harvesting

    I'm currently growing 2 autoflowers and one looks like I may need to start flushing it. I've read all of the info online, but I'm still a tad bit confused. Do I wait to flush until I see that the buds are showing predominantly orange/brown hairs AND when the trichomes have become milky? I was...
  7. S

    Potential problem

    But I want FAT nuggets, Pollack!
  8. S

    Potential problem

    I also want to say Pollack, that you are the ONLY person that has said this on all of websites I've posted this. If you know something others don't you may want to publish something.
  9. S

    Potential problem

    Pollack, they are autoflowers with a life expectancy of 10 weeks. They are almost 7 weeks old. I don't think I'm going to have to worry about longevity.
  10. S

    Potential problem

    That's what I had thought, Chemp, but this is my first grow and I wanted to make sure before I started drastic measures.
  11. S

    Potential problem

    From what I've read, polishpollock, at least with autoflowers you should never transplant them. Is that not the case in your experience?
  12. S

    Potential problem

    I'm new to the site and I've tried looking everywhere to post this to the correct sub, but I was unable to find a section to post problems with plants so I figured I'd just submit my problem here and hope for the best. Without further adieu: Hello there, I'm currently growing two Autoflower...