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  1. Runbho

    How to change res in a dwc scrog setup?

    Whoa dude! What am I looking at. It looked like the plant is levitating. How are you doing this?
  2. Runbho

    How to change res in a dwc scrog setup?

    Thank you brother. And everybody else who has chimed in. The rdwc was the only thing that made sense to me. I see these guys on YouTube with a single 5 gallon bucket with a full 5x5 scrog. Couldn't imaging the ph and ec swings in a res that small with a plant that big. I was thinking of...
  3. Runbho

    How many ppm to feed in veg and flower and what scale?

    Thanks for the responses guys. I've learned that indeed, once clones are transplanted into 3 gallons of fresh dirt, they typically don't need any feeding during vegged. My recent crop vegged for 1 month and they didn't need nutrients at all. Maybe I got a hot batch of ffof. After 3 weeks I fed...
  4. Runbho

    How to change res in a dwc scrog setup?

    Hi guys, Very grateful to see RIU back up and running. I have a question that I cannot find an answer to. I've looked everywhere to no avail. I am a soil grower wanting to experiment with hydro. I want to do a test run with a dwc bucket in a 4x4 tent and scrog it. My only issue is...
  5. Runbho

    How many ppm to feed in veg and flower and what scale?

    Hi guys, I hate to ask this question but I'm a little confused. I know that I want to feed around 600ppm in veg but is that using the 500 or 700 scale? I'm a dirt grower trying to dial in my grow. I have an idea of what Ppm's I should be using. Seedlings: 100-250ppm Early veg: 300-400ppm...
  6. Runbho

    Is this a nutrient deficiency or nute burn?

    Thanks man. I forget how finicky seedlings are. Glad I didn't feed them.
  7. Runbho

    Is this nute burn or a deficiency? Please help!

    I posted this question in the wrong section. I tried to delete this post but can't figure out how. Not trying to double dip.
  8. Runbho

    Is this a nutrient deficiency or nute burn?

    Hey guys. I'm almost a little ashamed to be posting this question but I'm having a little problem... here goes; Planted 5 reg seeds of "Haute Genetiques; XO Raspberry Glue" on 10/20 in rapid rooters in a humidity dome. They broke through the plugs on 10/24 and showed their cotyledons. On...
  9. Runbho

    Is this nute burn or a deficiency? Please help!

    Hey guys. I'm almost a little ashamed to be posting this question but I'm having a little problem... here goes; Planted 5 reg seeds of "Haute Genetiques; XO Raspberry Glue" on 10/20 in rapid rooters in a humidity dome. They broke through the plugs on 10/24 and showed their cotyledons. On...
  10. Runbho

    Haute genetique

    The XO raspberry glue sucks thus far. Love the idea of it but I ordered a ten pack of reg seeds for $125 + shipping, planted 6, and only 5 popped. One had the biggest cotyledons I've ever seen and never grew it's first set of leaves, even after 2 weeks. Had to cull it. That leaves 4. Here we...
  11. Runbho

    T5's need help!

    This is definitely a weird problem. Do you have your thermometer prob at canopy level so you're getting an accurate reading. Something is off here. I have the exact same setup, have seedlings with only their first set of leaves and I have my HO t5's 3 inches from them. I have a 2x4 tent and a...
  12. Runbho

    First attempt at Shatter... Is it clean enough?

    I appreciate you chiming in with your advice but I live in California and have had two batches tested by SD labs. Never said I thought butane could be purged 100%. But to assume my setup can't do what these state of the art companies do is just foolish. It's the same concept and same technology...
  13. Runbho

    First attempt at Shatter... Is it clean enough?

    If it's under 100 degrees, you're preserving terpenes while increasing potency and reducing residuals. The question is... Why wouldn't you want to subject your concentrate to that?
  14. Runbho

    First attempt at Shatter... Is it clean enough?

    I thought so too. But I learned I was mistaken. What I and everybody else thought was killer shatter in terms of color, flavor, potency, everything turned out to be high in residuals. You cannot tell by looking or smoking. Only a residual solvent test will truly let you know. And after talking...
  15. Runbho

    First attempt at Shatter... Is it clean enough?

    T Thabks for the tip. I will def let my bud sit out to dry next run. Or maybe I'll invest in a dehydrator. I still haven't tried freezing my butane cans and packed tube prior to blasting. I'm gonna try that next. I did learn that if you're blasting in high humidity (like 88% humidity) you are...
  16. Runbho

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    What state do you live in?
  17. Runbho

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    You are such an idiot. You should be given the Darwin Award of rollitup. I'm waiting on you to respond but you're probably locked up by now. I know if I was ever forced to snitch, a guy like you would be the first person that would come to mind. Never would snitch but just saying.
  18. Runbho

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    When you live in a illegal state. Everybody is gonna be envious. Doesn't mean you're good, bro. It just means you have it.
  19. Runbho

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    It may be hard to believe, but some people believe in Cannabis. It's evident by your posts that cash is your number one concern. It is for a lot of people but in Cali, cash is only part of the equation. Some clubs give free meds to needy patients. Because that's what it's there for. To enrich...
  20. Runbho

    price on a lb of killer wax?

    Ha. I was thinking the same thing. With that attitude, he could offer me 20k for a pound of wax and I'd tell him to kick rocks.