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  1. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    It looks to me as if you have something called "damping off" which is when a fungus disease attacks the roots and base of seedlings and clones. The number one cause of damping off is over watering. The original overwatering is probably your culprit. The key to a healthy harvest is a healthy...
  2. Final2x

    Sudden droop helpppppp

    Good to hear. Remember to let them dry out that half inch before watering too.
  3. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    In my experience seedlings respond well to higher humidity, so again I wouldn't count it out as an issue. Let me know if you see any visible improvements with the dome. Doesn't really look like light burn to me, but you could be right. Yeah, that is pretty odd. What strain are you growing out?
  4. Final2x

    Sudden droop helpppppp

    I'm not on here to argue. I'm just giving my opinion. Hydroponic growing is done in different mediums. I know little of hydroponic mediums; this is a soil grow. I always let my plants dry out before re-watering with good results. When I say dry out, I mean half an inch of dryish soil on the...
  5. Final2x

    Sudden droop helpppppp

    Im confused by your statements. Do you think it's nitrogen toxicity, or not? Is flushing a good or bad idea? Which advice is awful?
  6. Final2x

    Sudden droop helpppppp

    Since you're so far in veg, I doubt it's a light issue. Those issues would have showed up before this point. If you did feed every water it's almost certain that you're over feeding. You need to flush in this case; and since you don't have any burn, I would recommend waiting a day or two...
  7. Final2x

    Sudden droop helpppppp

    In my experience your leaves should really never be that dark green, this is a common sign of over fertilization. My advice is to leave her for a few days; no water or nutes. After letting her dry out good( half inch- 3/4) run a good flush; then assess where you're at from there.
  8. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    From what I can see, you're having two issues. Over watering, and low humidity. For humidity, refer to my precious post. For watering, keep the soil uniformly moist, not water logged(yours looks waterlogged so use that as a reference now) . Let the surface dry about 1/4 of and inch(about...
  9. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    Alright so from what I've gathered, you have a room with a veg and seedling area; within that room, is a tent with plants flowering. Your "room" RH is 18%, and your "tent" RH is 50%. In my general experience you would be need an industrial sized humidifier to change your tent RH drastically...
  10. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    Low humidity could be your issue friend. For seedings and veg you wanna be up near 55-65% RH for optimal growth. I would recommend buying a desktop humidifier for your grow area.
  11. Final2x

    Poor seedlings

    Possibly mildew or mold? If the white substance is diatomaceous earth, I would wash it off the leaves because you're blocking precious leaf surface that would otherwise be collecting light. What's your humidity? Origin of soil/ compost, is it store bought?
  12. Final2x

    Southern Ontario … When to put clones outside ?

    It's really the dynamic fluctuation of our night time temperatures here in southern Ontario that keeps most of use from planting before Victoria Day long weekend. Personally I germinate/transplant the week after the 24th; just to play it safe. This week would have been catastrophic to most...
  13. Final2x

    2018 Canadian outdoor strains of choice.

    Ahhh I see. I'm in the north as well, I'm hoping I don't run into the same temperature issues. Dinafem claims a 55 day flowerings time, adding two week for good measure, I should be closing in on harvest around early-mid October. Does your greenhouse hold any heat? I was hoping to build a...
  14. Final2x

    2018 Canadian outdoor strains of choice.

    Was there any particular reason your OG kush didn't turn out; lack of sun exposure and temperature maybe? I'm probably doing a crop of Dinafem OG Kush this year. What breeder was yours from? I might have to build myself one of those green houses too, pretty nifty.
  15. Final2x

    Single NL auto

    Did you end up using sand? Personally, I've grown my autos in general potting soil(PRO-MIX, Vigoro, Fox Farm), I'm not familiar with raw sand as a medium. If i was you, I would try and attain a large bucket to burry in the ground to isolate the potting soil (w/ holes in the bottom of the...