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  1. DocB

    a little help pls

    maybe she's a bit dry?
  2. DocB

    a little help pls

    i dont know what to tell you fella, im using muti purpose compost, and i would have that with a little layer of soil over it and not water it for awhile... i really dont know what im doing not to mention giving advice :)
  3. DocB

    I'm A Lucky Kid Living Amongst Ignorance

    i think things got messed up a bit there lol
  4. DocB

    a little help pls

    dont do what i said so lol sorry
  5. DocB

    a little help pls

    Im wondering about doing a journal but its a low cost grow in a small spot and i dont think she'll make it, should i post pics and all that? its as basic as it can get lol
  6. DocB

    a little help pls

    i wouldnt transplant it but try to dain some water out, i tried putting holes in the soil for mine but it didnt work. im a newbie so dont take my word for it
  7. DocB

    a little help pls

    Ya i'd say overwatering, im trying my first grow and killed two already with overwatering, now i wait till its dry to water and she's flying
  8. DocB

    I'm A Lucky Kid Living Amongst Ignorance

    Hi folks, im new to this site and doing my first grow so im here looking for help. I thought i would start here with PuffingOrangeCrush since he's putting himself out there :) I think PuffinOrangeCrush's parents are very understanding by showing they trust him/you, its up to Puffin to honour...