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  1. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    well i haven't said much lately nothing much to say, my girls are doing great, i do have only one small yellowish dot on 1 of each of the leaves on the very bottom witch at this point probably isn't a big deal, i'll keep an eye on them and will have pics up again in 4 or 5 day when their almost...
  2. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    so would i better off just taking down the paper and leave the brown walls for now? kinda short on money haha
  3. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    Pic#1 is an improvement on my grow room, i added some white paper to increase the light efficiency which was a great improvement from the brown walls underneath the paper seen in my first post with pics. Does anyone have an rough idea of how white paper will work? Pic#2 is my Critical Sensi...
  4. playboo893

    Does white paper reflect??

    I just wanna say that all the people that say "JUST PAINT THE WALLs WHITE DUH" need to keep in mind some of us don't own the places we live in and are not free to just throw paint anywhere we'd like to unfortunately. My landlord would crack my face if i even mildly considered painting his walls...
  5. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    these plants make me smile. pics in 3 days there doin great :mrgreen:
  6. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    UPDATE: I mixed the new set of humbolt nutrients today. Bumped it up from seedling growth to veg growth. The last seedling nutrient mix was used today so in about 2 days I will be giving them a regular watering and then in another 2 days I will be giving them their first nutrient mix created for...
  7. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    haha fair enough, we will indeed see then sir
  8. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    Cool man, what size yield you think i'd be looking at on the sensi at that hight, keeping in mind its mixed with critical mass
  9. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    this is their final container man, kinda limited on space, how tall do you think i can grow them in an 8' clay pot depth is also about 8'?
  10. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    1 week old, here they are, keep in mind until i reach the top of the clay pot i keep adding soil and burying the stem up to the bottom leaves while it grows to promote root growth , thats why they still look so low to the soil
  11. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    new pics tonight or tomorrow night, my last grow was with 1 cfl and 2 weak 24' floros and was so slow, so watching with the 400w mh is awesome :eyesmoke:
  12. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    The pics above are showing the plants at 5 days old in soil 7 if you count germination
  13. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    Pic 1 Closet Setup Pic 2 Critical Sensi Star 8' Clay Pot Pic 3 Better view of the CSS Sprout Pic 4 Blue Cheese 8' Clay Pot Pic 5 Better View of the Blue Cheese Sprout
  14. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    hmm.. o well ill move on without it, pics tomorrow probably of blue cheese and critical sensi star sprouts!
  15. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    just got home from work dug around some more found the other half of the seed but no plant, roots, leaves, nothing, we have a mouse (not by choice) does anybody know if the mouse wouldve dug through the dirt to eat the middle of the seed?
  16. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    Sorry about the delay guys, strawberry cough is making me nervous it still hasn't came above soil i gently moved soil around to see if i could figure out where it is, i found half the seed shell but nothing else, any ideas?
  17. playboo893

    2nd grow need help 400 watt mh/hps soil

    Yea it is i grew some bagseed with flouros b4 but it blew so this is my first legit set up, i plan on vegging them till their about a foot tall maybe more depending on speed of growth
  18. playboo893

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    critical sensi star is in the lead, being the first to pop through the soil, not surprising with it's critical mass genetics! Will take photos as soon as strawberry and blue show also. I keep reading a lot about critical mass having a high risk of mold with its buds being so large, is this...
  19. playboo893

    2nd grow need help 400 watt mh/hps soil

    hey man im also growing strawberry cough along with blue cheese and critical sensi star, also am using 400w mh/hps set up with ocean forest soil aaaand also aiming for 1.5 ounces i literally just planted the seedlings a day ago after 24 hour germination. Can't wait to see how your strawberry...