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  1. gabanja05

    At what temperature will seedlings stop growing?

    about 2 1/2 inches or so, not too close too cause burn, temps are now down to 79, i'm hoping they pull through. At least I know now what temps are acceptable...
  2. gabanja05

    At what temperature will seedlings stop growing?

    Pleased to say I believe I have identified the source of my seedling problems. They sprouted and than haven't grown very much at all, my humidity is fine 60%, and the soil is moist. Most of the time the temps were at 88-92, mostly around 90, however. I now have them down to 81 and will try to...
  3. gabanja05

    Why did seedlings stop growing under near-optimum indoor conditions?

    they are are close enough but not too close for heat stress issues. i had them at about 6 inches, than down to 3 inches, with no difference. While it might be more productive to get the lights even closer than 3 inches, at this distance they would surely grow, maybe stretch, maybe closer than 3...
  4. gabanja05

    Why did seedlings stop growing under near-optimum indoor conditions?

    I've grown before, and my current conditions are exactly the same as the last successful grow. So, I have no idea where to even start looking for the solution to why the babies have suddenly stopped growing. Both are in a soil/perlite mix, and have the set of coteyldon leaves and one very small...
  5. gabanja05

    Does seedling growth slow after sprouting?

    I have been very curious, as I am on my 2nd grow and am wondering if growth slows down momentarily right after sprouting. It sprouted about 48 hours ago, is about an inch or so tall, and has the coteyldon (probably badly mispelled) and a small first set of true leaves. I read somewhere that...
  6. gabanja05

    Help!! Seedling turned dark and stopped growing

    Picture problems at the moment so here is a link instead to see the picture: it is in store bought soil no heat...
  7. gabanja05

    My seedling looks alive but has not grown in two days?

    Can anyone tell me what the problem is? This is the deal. I have to plants growing in 2 small pots with good drainage and potting soil fresh new bag. I am using 6500k cfls 5 inches 6 inches from soil not too close. one plant seemed to have stopped growing though. it got about 2 inches tall with...
  8. gabanja05

    Why does my seedling look not dead but hasn't grown in two days?

    Why does my seedling look not dead but hasn't grown in two days?
  9. gabanja05

    DWC system in a 27 liter tub?

    :leaf:I like the idea of this setup using a short, wide tub for the res. I would like to duplicate it, as a 5 gallon bucket would be too high a starting point for the low ceiling i must work with, but I am a bit confused. In this picture it looks as though the net pot would touch the bottom of...