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  1. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    WW/BS Day 40 11/30 DWC General Hydroponics Nutrients/ Liquid Karma I've decided to officially call these plants 40 days old. I know they are 5 or 6 weeks from seed, so I decided 40 days would suffice. Anyways, they are all doing well hovering around 900 ppm of nutes looking good for the most...
  2. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Northern Lights/Bagseed update 11/29 Day 90 Approximately 35 days into flower Light cycle: 12/12 400 watt hps Homemade cooled hood (fan not running) 2 plants 5-gallon buckets Expert Gardener Soil RO water ~ ~ The past week or so I have noticed some of the fan leaves on both plants turning a...
  3. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    11/29 update: With the latest development, if I had one word to describe the changes that have taken place in the last 24-48 hours, I would have to steal a line from this rapper named eminem and use the term "holly meca-rebeca". Let me catch you up on the latest if you've been following, or...
  4. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Bagseed or White Widow Approx 35-40 Days from seed. Here are two plants I started awhile back. The mammoth, bushy freak is either Bag or WW. She looks like a lady to me. As far as being able to determine sex before the flowering period, I am not saying I can. I will say, though, that out of...
  5. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    hahaha slim I think I know who you are but I'm not tellin. I just realized it said slim. You need an avatar, bro. Don't worry, I do too. Off to find one.
  6. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Thanks guys for all the kind words. It really means so much to receive praise for all the hard work that goes into my grows. The countless hours that I dedicate to developing plants is a serious source of stress at times since I am still a noob, or at best going through the transition from noob...
  7. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Day 87 Finally back up and posting. Computer problems, camera problems, you name it I've had it. Fortunately, I am back to update and complete this journal. So here's where things lie: Onyx: I have heard stories of the Onyx by short stuff being this amazing autoflowering strain that would...
  8. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Typically, I water no less than every 48 hours, sometimes even 72. I like to let the soil indicate when to water. I let it get dry to about an inch down, that usually serves as a good barometer. However, do to the my current problems, and a desperate need to help my plants recover from the high...
  9. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Day 29 For the last week, I have been feeding distilled water only. Things have started to look somewhat better. Bagseed has came to a complete halt in growth for about the last week. Onyx has some dry and curled up leaves, but seems to be budding pretty decently. Northern Lights has some fan...
  10. gabanja05

    pH Lockout..Should I transplant or continue flushing? This is the link to my journal where I am currently experiencing depressing symptoms of what appears to be lockout. I was using tap water with a pH of 8.5 or higher, and for the last days have been pouring loads...
  11. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Day 27 So far, things are going decent. Thankfully, I was able to acquire a decent camera. In other news, sadly, I believe all 3 plants are experiencing what they call "lock-out". For the first twenty or so days from seed, I had been giving them tap water that, to my dismay, turned out to...
  12. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Just convinced the ex to bring distilled water because one of my cats has gotten an irritation in the eyes and the internet says the best remedy is to gently rub the eyes with distilled water, never tap. Lol! Day 22 Pics: Once again, I apologize for the terrible photos, 3 more weeks and I...
  13. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Day 22 Once again, I continue to learn some of the simplest things that I should probably have figured out by now. I'm talking PH. I've always used distilled water, never tap. Unfortunately, I have used tap water only this entire grow, so far. I let it sit out 24-48 hours before using it on the...
  14. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    Day 20 At this point, the remaining survivors (Northern Lights, Onyx, Bag Seed) are underneath the 400 watt mh. For reasons I do not understand, young seedlings have a tendency to grow extremely bushy and stay short while at the mercy of CFL's. Because of this, I decided to employ the 400...
  15. gabanja05

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    Jimmy: you're right, the pictures came from "harvest a pound every three week". And, I did review the entire journal, and it answered a lot of my questions. But, there were still a couple that he did not cover. It was a great journal, but I see a lot of journals on here where it seems people...
  16. gabanja05

    Northern Lights, Onyx Soil Grow

    This is my 3rd grow and I am pretty excited about it, given that my first failed miserably during the seedling stage, due to ignorance, impatience, but mostly lack of water and boiling temperatures. My second grow was all bag seed, but it was moving just fine that I didn't care as long as I...
  17. gabanja05

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    Awesome! Great info, man. I am definitely giving this system a shot. As far as the fogger goes, does using one mean there is no longer a need for sprayers? I would rather not take my chances with sprayers and have to deal with clog issues.
  18. gabanja05

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    i get it now. i would just tie the plants to the pvc posts above it for stability. would i tie like some sort of wire or string around the plant's stem and then the post? I like the idea of the setup in the picture, but personally I would create less sites using a fence post that size. I don't...
  19. gabanja05

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    Homegrown- Are you suggesting that there is a such thing as an air pump that can be placed in water? I only knew of the cheap ones from wal-mart that I don't believe are water proof?
  20. gabanja05

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    Would this be considered aeroponics? I am thinking of either going with a system similar to this or a multi-site dwc setup. I just do not understand, though, how the plants grow from this type of setup. 2 questions: Where does the air pump go, and what is inside the blue tote? Just water/nutes...