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  1. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol lame lame lame
  2. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha that we did, ill just head back to the kitchen and start making dinner for the men, like im supposed to
  3. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    lol like me.
  4. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    well thank you i guess, its a matter of perspective
  5. Urca

    Would you go down on an alien?

    omg i thought it said the same thing...
  6. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    Naturally? Its supposed to be orange-red. I tried to dye it brown a few years back and it turned auburn. So the bottom half of my hair is brownish red, and the top half is orange red, and my bangs are a mix of blonde and pink
  7. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    idk if you guys can really tell, but there is my hair after its just been straightened.... doesnt show the full legnth :evil:
  8. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha lol ok ok i see. your in the same age group as most of the guys i talk to, so at least i get a better picture of who you are. lol i rarely talk to guys my own age, they suck ass. ^that excludes my male friends.
  9. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha honestly? you look young... like only a few years older than me
  10. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha its from an old old old old thread.......
  11. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    good, im glad
  12. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    i already did. shortly after the first time we hung out/kissed etc, i told him some other guy was trying to get at me (which was true), but i didnt want the other guy, cause i wanted to be with him, and only him. he replied saying he'd pursue a relationship with me if i lived closer, but...
  13. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    haha if i tilt my head back it does the same
  14. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    haha oh well
  15. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol i think my problem is not insisting he be with me... cause i think he does what he does because we arent dating, so he doesnt want me to get all lovey and attached.
  16. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    haha i guess. though if i believed every bullshitter that told me i was beautiful, then asked me for some thing or if i wanted to fuck, id already be a slut by now. funny how guys think if you tell a big girl she is beautiful she will do what you want.
  17. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    lol not trying to be a hater, i just dont like it. there is no game to step up, its just my opinion
  18. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha well boobs thread was closed... plus i thought you saved all the pics anyway?
  19. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    he isnt mean at all... idk just never tells me i look good or whatever, just told me to keep wearing low cut shirts cause he likes them, and to wear my hair down cause he likes it.
  20. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    haha i can spend hours getting ready and the guy i go see doesnt even notice. :/ then i come out of his car looking like ive been in a tornado. lol last night when he called the closest he came to complimenting me was "you dont look as bad as you think you do"