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  1. S

    whats wrong with my plant?

    I have done nutes just started them actually last night. Im useing cfls they are about three inches from the tops
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    light burn?

    Cant see the yellow on the edge of the leaf? It has now spread to a couple other leafs too
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    Can I transplant auto flowers? I Havent watered them much at all, could it be from underwatering?
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    Ak48 seedling problems

    Its still standing i think ur good, its just a baby give it a couple weeks, if your really worried about it post it up with bamboo sticks and a twist tie till the stem gets bigger. I wouldnt worry just yet
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    I got five plants four are auto AK one ia Auto Kush this is my only one im having a problem with, its on two leaves on the edges and a couple others on the tips only, they are turning yellow/brown and appear to be currling under, im not sure if its a light burn or under watered or what it is...
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    light burn?

    All my plants are in the same medium get the same nutes at the same time and the same amount, (i water with a measuring cup) this is the only plant out of five with this problem. Over all its a healthy plant minus this problem that just came up
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    light burn?

    All my plants are in the same medium get the same nutes at the same time and the same amount, (i water with a measuring cup) this is the only plant out of five with this problem. Over all its a healthy plant minus this problem that just came up
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    Auto AK

    Just figured it out they are two days into their fourth week
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    Auto AK

    They are about three weeks from seed, maybe four
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    Auto AK

    The first the one getting only five blades the rest are only gwtting three blades as of yet.
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    Auto AK

    One of my auto AK appears to be only developing 5 blade leaves, It now has three sets of 5 blade leaves and no seven blade leaves yet. Is this normal? if not why could it be happening? i no i got my plants in pots that are WAY to small and my soil is not very good at all. Just curious if anyone...
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    8 Days from seed

    Ill post some later tonight or this weeked
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    8 Days from seed

    Thanks for the tips yall i appreciate it, they all seem to be doing good except 5 of the six appear to be stunted, one of them Has really live looking big three finger leaves and the others are tiny im assuming its because of the.medium i used, heres to hopeing they will catch up. Are there any...
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    8 Days from seed

    The bigger of.the five seems staying up straight should.i steak it up or will it stand up and strengthen up on its own?
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    8 Days from seed

    What are the benefits of perlite over plain soil?
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    8 Days from seed

    Its just a cheap organic soil i got from Wal-Mart. It appears to basically be A mulch or compost mix, idk its My Second grow, first one ill get to harvest, and it seems to be working pretty good so far
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    8 Days from seed

    Just lookin for some input on what yall think. They are 8 days from seed auto flower AK
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    Autoflower question

    I got 5 Auto flower plants im growing them inside right now under some CFLs i plan on LSTing them. what im wondering is once they start flowering can.i move them outside and still get a decent harvest? Our average high temp right now is about 45 and low is 36
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    If a plant hermies can u get viable feminized seeds if it pollinates itself? If so how do i do this? How do i intentionally hermie a plant or a small clone?
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    First set up, Think it'll work for the short term?

    How should I arrange my lights once they are that tall? I have 4 more CFL's ready to put in when/if I need to how many more will I need?