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  1. V

    How close to harvest?

    Nice work @canadiantoker420 - looks great so far. I pulled 97g dry from that one NL Auto, I hung part of her for 6 days and the rest for 7 days. Curing the last few day’s in Ball Mason Jars, the aroma is starting to be something else. I’m gonna add some orange peel to a couple of the jars today...
  2. V

    Is this cola ok?

    No issues really late but they had a poor start to life for sure. Growing conditions haven’t been perfect but not bad either. The rest of the plant looks fine, actually doing pretty well.
  3. V

    How close to harvest?

    Harvested on April 25th. 425g on stem wet. It has been drying, hanging upside down on TV cardboard boxes since. I reckon a 1/3 of it will be dry tomorrow with the rest a few days later. Will post final weight then.
  4. V

    Is this cola ok?

    So that particular bud will be harsh but the rest of the plant will be okay? She’s pretty close to harvest.
  5. V

    Is this cola ok?

    I’ve had an issue with space so the plant has definitely had some light damage but she’s back as far as I can pull her now and I’ve angled the fan to try keep her cooler. Has she mutated or something? This is the top of the main cola. She’s a Royal Cheese Auto from RQS, under a 400w light in a...
  6. V

    How close to harvest?

    I have a few more a few weeks behind so I’m ok with harvesting this one ‘early’. I don’t see the buds getting any more dense at this point, a few of the colas need support to stay up, they are heavy.
  7. V

    How close to harvest?

    Looks like I’m gonna harvest tonight. Started week 15 yesterday, most trichs are cloudy with a few amber, that’s enough for me. Buds look pretty fat, hoping to get 2oz dry from the plant, fingers crossed.
  8. V

    How close to harvest?

    I’m gonna chop her down tomorrow. Trichomes are cloudy enough for me, not looking for a couch lock. Tomorrow is the last day of week 14. I have another few plants that are weeks behind and I will allow one of them to go all amber but now I’m in a position where I’m outta bud and can’t justify...
  9. V

    How close to harvest?

    When are these trichomes gonna turn amber. Week 15, yes 15 starts on 4/16. This has been a journey. Attached a pic of the garbage that’s currently being sold in my area, the only choice right now.
  10. V

    How close to harvest?

    Another week?
  11. V

    How close to harvest?

    Ya I think I’ll feed right to the end. Quantity is something I am definitely conscious of. As I said previously, the quality and price where I live is garbage so really looking for as much as I can from each girl.
  12. V

    How close to harvest?

    thanks everyone, there’s a week left for sure. Looks like I’ll miss the 4/20 deadline!
  13. V

    How close to harvest?

    There’s so much out there on the for and against of flushing eh, kinda hard for a rookie to know what to do. Leaning towards not I guess.
  14. V

    How close to harvest?

    Anyone else have any thoughts on flushing? I’m using John Innes compost with 20/25% perlite. Have been feeding with Coco A+B (long story, I ordered the wrong medium and couldn’t send it back). I’ve heard a few things for and against. I guess the main thing I want is yield but obviously having a...
  15. V

    How close to harvest?

    Feed until the end or flush during the last week?
  16. V

    How close to harvest?

    Here’s the best I could do as far as pictures of the trichomes, hopefully that helps. Getting eager to chop her down but willing to wait as long as I have to. It’s €50 for 3g of garbage weed where I live so time is of the essence
  17. V

    How close to harvest?

    haha I have a little toddler, coffee is my life. I’ve tried to get a pic but can’t seem to pull it off. I’ll ask the lady to help.
  18. V

    How close to harvest?

    This was the main girl on Thursday. I managed to get a cheap jewellers loupe and can see that the trichomes are cloudy. I’ll try get some pics taken later.
  19. V

    How close to harvest?

    Thanks for the help everyone.
  20. V

    How close to harvest?

    Solid, thanks.