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  1. AliG868

    Outdoor Ontario Thread ....Let's See Your Plants !

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada Good day this is my first Autoflower outdoor grow I planted feminized Girl Scout Cookies indica. Currently in the 4th week of growth this she progress so far, just started LST training. I am using fox farm happy frog soil with plenty holes in a 5 gal bucket, germinated...
  2. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    That will be my backup plan lol thanks
  3. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Fixed it! Just re-drilled through them holes to make sure the filter wasn’t blocking
  4. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    O snap right I will find a way to remove them from the bottom. Good thing I mentioned it!
  5. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Ah see I didn’t do that but I did add in plenty extra perlite throughout. I put natural un-bleached coffee filters to prevent the soil from falling through
  6. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Oh ya I drilled plenty holes at the bottom, next time I would actually put holes along the sides of the bucket close to the bottom for more drainage and airflow...
  7. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    yeah I’m thinking so, well maybe 0.4 gal once or twice is more accurate.
  8. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    It’s so hard for me to tell because I know it’s damp at the bottom I have this meter I use for my other plants... I’m watering right now maybe 0.4 litres a week! That to me seems wild no?
  9. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    How much do you recommend letting the water dry out? I’m afraid I’m actually under watering it!
  10. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    That’s very helpful thank you, I plan on starting to feed she with a little flora gro within the next week or so. I also am using two 50 way LED‘s to assist growth because I’m in a cold country and the weather has been poor lately. The LED lights are roughly 5 inches away so I’ll scale back a...
  11. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    This was my initial thought but seems odd to me because I haven’t fed it anything yet! It’s week 4 since germination. I planted the seed in a 5 gal bucket with fox farm happy frog soil. I’ve been watching the watering carefully letting the first couple inches (3-5) dry out before watering again...
  12. AliG868

    Newbie first outdoor Autoflower leaf yellow

    Good afternoon, This is my first outdoor Autoflower grow and I’ve noticed some small yellow spots and one hole on my leaves. Photos below any advice?