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  1. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    Not that anyone cares, but just to update, both my plants randomly died in the night. After spending many 100s of pounds on equipment and supplies, reading 100s if not thousands of articles on growing cannabis, and finally following the advise of dozens of experienced growers on 5 different...
  2. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    My healthier seedling with more growth has toppled over in the night. I have tried to prop it up with some tooth picks and sandwich bag ties. Will this be ok and is it normal? Anyway here are some pictures I've just taken. You can see my poor propping up job lol. The edges of the leaves are...
  3. M

    serious question for serious people (passing a drug test)

    All I want to say is I work in the public sector in the UK. Being under the influence of certain narcotics while performing my job is illegal, and many people have been prosecuted. It is part of my contractual obligation to be clean of all illegal drugs. We also have to provide information about...
  4. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    Cheers! Will start lowering a few inches every day now. Unfortunetley i'm a big time sativa lover, these seeds are 50/50 mixes. maybe i should look into some knock out indicas for my next grow lol ;)
  5. M

    serious question for serious people (passing a drug test)

    Some tests are dip a bit of reactive paper in the piss. Others are laboratory testing (like mine, read EDIT above for info!). To play it safe she SHOULD stop smoking as long as she can manage before the test. Leaving it any sooner and she will run the risk of a high-tech test catching her out...
  6. M

    serious question for serious people (passing a drug test)

    Again, if the job is important she should stop smoking as soon as possible. Everyone gets tested at my work, every 6 months as well. I stopped 6 weeks before my initial testing to make sure. Many people at my work smoke weed and do other drugs. More than one person has FAILED after 30 days...
  7. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    I'm a natural worrier...I can tell growing these has been more stress than I need! I have read that hand thing quite a few times now...but when I try it I can put my hand almost RIGHT next to the bulb before it gets to hot. Does this mean I can put my light nearly right next to my tiny...
  8. M

    serious question for serious people (passing a drug test)

    If the job is important, she should stop smoking now and will pass the test no problem. I stopped smoking for 6 weeks before a drugs test I knew I was getting. Passed with flying colours. On a side note, cocaine/ecstasy/heroin all disappear from your system within days and it's very easy to...
  9. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    My hygrometer, at the top of the grow area, sits at 15% (it's lowest reading) constantly. When I sit it at the bottom of my grow area, it is between 30-80% depending on how long ago the fogger was on. Some people have been scaring me shitless telling me I need constant high humidity throughout...
  10. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    OK light is moved closer. Also forgot to mention these are femanized seeds. I use the fogger because I have nearly constant 0% humidity without it (due to an overly powerful fan I think). I will try get a T5 lamp soon, unfortunately I am painfully skint at the mo!
  11. M

    Desperately Need Help! Pics Inside

    This is my first time growing cannabis. My 2 plants sprouted a week ago and I am very concerned with their lack of growth. They also point upwards a lot of the time, one of them to quite a severe degree. My conditions are not bad, but I am clearing doing something wrong. Temps: 25-30C...