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  1. 2

    Some questions

    1. Is it stupid to try to grow outdoors in mid September? 2. Is it true that if you put your plant near a tree the seed will mutate? (friend said this) 3. How much bud will 1 Hollands Hope plant produce? (1 - 2 metres high) My friend said 3 ounces max. 4. Is it alright to give bottled water...
  2. 2

    2 Questions

    Alright, I know another place called Potters, they have good stuff. and to jollygreengiant8: would that mean you give her fertalizer every 2 weeks? (if it was water water feed)?
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    2 Questions

    Can I get a TDS meter at home depot? and would that mean you give her fertalizer every 2 weeks? (if it was water water feed)
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    2 Questions

    1. How can I measure how much nutrients are in my water? 2. How often should I give her fertalizer (I read you don't need to give them fertalizer for the first 2 weeks of their life, and not to give them fertalizer everyday) Thanks!
  5. 2

    Couple of questions

    Do you think home depot has any of these? (the reason I ask is because I live right accross from them), and also should I buy all of the products you listed above? Thanks for the help GrowTech and sidngroovennude I appreciate it!
  6. 2

    Couple of questions

    1. Has anyone heard of "Potters"? Do you think I can get some things there such as fertalizer 2. Can I get a pH Tester (including pH Up and pH Down) from home depot? 3. What is the name of the nutrients I need to add to the water I am giving to my plants?