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  1. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Beginner guitar songs

    yeah man, if you're looking for a bass like that then it's always good to look at the Fender P or J basses, you'll probably want an active electronics just for a smoother sound and broader range, but make sure you try it out and make sure it's the right sound. I actually ended up buying a Music...
  2. MountainManGanjaGrower

    What is one of your most favorite guitar solos of ALL TIME

    Hell yeah man, I remember that was the first solo I ever tried to learn, haha the first half was easy but the second half gets intense... well not the live version, but just the studio
  3. MountainManGanjaGrower

    legal or not

    Birmingham Jail, 1968 "One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." - Martin Luther King Jr. straight out of the books haha, this man was amazing....
  4. MountainManGanjaGrower

    What Are You Listening To?

    fmGIzpZrO3M z9-eKhCukW8
  5. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Beginner guitar songs

    Iggy Pop - The Passenger Pretty much any song by Creedence Clearwater Revival Johnhy Cash - Hurt thats all i can think of right now
  6. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Minor Possession= Getting arrested?

    There are nice cops, and there are dick cops... The one thing I hate is that the nice cops are always nice, no matter if you get a little disgruntled or frustrated with them... But the Pigs are different, I've tried to be nice when I wasn't doing anyting wrond and I know they just pulled me over...
  7. MountainManGanjaGrower

    how about that weather?

    well it's true
  8. MountainManGanjaGrower

    smoking... in the rain

    alright, so you know how smoking is already so awesome? well It started raining out of nowhere and I tossed some herb in my glass and went out under some trees in my yard... First of all, MAN the rain smells AMAZING and it makes everything smell even MORE amazing! second, when you finally get...
  9. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Why not?

    thats a good idea, but I don't know about posting my mailing address on a thread, but i'm all for pm's if you need to get rid of some of those guys :-D
  10. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    Yeah he has the best job, his parents are millionaires hahaha I mean he dropped out half ways through junior year in highscool and his parents decide to buy him a condo..... and on top of that they give him pretty much all the money he wants... Sounds pretty dope but sometimes I like making...
  11. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    damn man, I'm lucky if an eight lasts me more than a few days haha edit: dude, you should see my one friend. he can go through a half a day easily, I mean I could too with enough tolerance, but what the heck is the point of smoking that much herb if it's expensive... rather invest in a grow op
  12. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    holy crap man, 650? I think 500 would be my limit, fifty more bucks and I'd be regretting it... I should be regretting 500 but i think it was worth it haha... That's the main reason I wanted to start growing, all my guys are priced at 300 and I think it should be 150-200. And what's up with the...
  13. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    shoot, you're makin my mouth water man. i remember up here they had some Alaskan Thunderfuck x Matanuka Tundra for $500 too I will admit that they were HIGH quality, but just listening to you makes me wanna go get that bud, I remember SSH and Sour D were some of the first strains I ever learned...
  14. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    yeah, I remember when I was in the city you could find some really nice buds for 240 and some super smoke for 280 I think aything over $10 a gram is outrageous, even $10 a g is outrageous!
  15. MountainManGanjaGrower

    400$ an Oz

    Yeah it sucks, the clinic up here sells O's for like 320-400 for normal shit, I once saw some OG here goin for 500.... sadly I bought it, it was dank don't get me wrong, but I could have bout and ounce and a half of some other perfectly fine bud that's not TOO overpriced haha, I guess it really...
  16. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Keeping criminals out

    I think that it's stupid how the United States is claiming that they're "Protecting Us" from criminals by having the war on drugs and yet they go behind EVERYONES back and sell guns and weapons straight to the cartels. All the war on drugs is doing in our home country is "Protecting Us" by...
  17. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Drug test help

    I'm pretty sure you'll be fine man. I remember reading somewhere on the internet(so i might be wrong) but it said if you're not a heavy user it should be out of your system 13-25 for someone who hasn't smoked, for a regular user it can take up to 45 days, and I've heard that heavy users can take...
  18. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Hows It Feel To Get Hit In The Face With The Door At A Fancy Restaurant?

    i think you'd beat the shit of it just to prove a point
  19. MountainManGanjaGrower

    I'm Grilling A Steak

    it all looks so good, I just want to shove all that meat into my mouth! get your mind out of the gutter
  20. MountainManGanjaGrower

    Keeping criminals out

    sorry man, i'm high....