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  1. NuGrower92

    How to properly dry cannabis

    Wouldnt the fans make it dry faster ?
  2. NuGrower92

    How to properly dry cannabis

    Wouldnt the fans dry it up faster ?
  3. NuGrower92

    Can Urine be used to PH up?

    Lmao ^^^ nice
  4. NuGrower92

    how to get hard dense bud not airy?

    My first grow my buds were very leight and airy after 7 day hang drying .not that hard dense buds u get at dispensarys. any advice on how to get big hard dense buds ? Light 400 watt hps /nutes micro,grow,bloom & molasses,pk 13/14 for flower stage Grow room temp 80° F
  5. NuGrower92

    sugar mango ryder or afghan kush X whitewidow?

    Im thinking of getting this seeds any feedback on the seeds . Would like to know about the yield or n e thing.
  6. NuGrower92

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Thanks.looks.very delicious im going to give it a try this weekend ✌
  7. NuGrower92

    Did i f.i.m right?

    Lol nice i did fuckin.hit n missed lol
  8. NuGrower92

    f.i.m recovery Help!!

    Cool thanks.alot hbbum much appreciated on the advice
  9. NuGrower92

    f.i.m recovery Help!!

    Hbbum if you go to The forum where you post if you having problems with your plant i postd a thread with some reason workd.there its under DID I F.I.M RIGHT?
  10. NuGrower92

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Hbbum u think u Can message me the recipe if its not to much For.the.salmon?
  11. NuGrower92

    Did i f.i.m right?

    Cool man thanks second time grower first groww was very shitty trying this f.i.m method
  12. NuGrower92

    Strawberry Dream grow

    That u postd the salmon with babyback ribs
  13. NuGrower92

    Did i f.i.m right?

    First.time.fimming want to know if i did it.right
  14. NuGrower92

    Strawberry Dream grow

    Hbbum dat looks good with the fish is that name of it im going to try that
  15. NuGrower92

    f.i.m recovery Help!!

    Ooh ok its just my first time thought id messd up also ,can i f.i.m after its grown a few more nodes or is it a one time thing only ??
  16. NuGrower92

    f.i.m recovery Help!!

    Hi i just f.i.m my 4 week old plants that are in veg right now my question is how long till f.i.m recovers i f.i.m 2 days ago n see no new shoots growing yet ? Sorry Cant up load pics because im using a cell phone.
  17. NuGrower92

    what does f.i.m does for your plant ?

    Demon trich thanks for sounds like a good way to do it, and i will check check out your thread.
  18. NuGrower92

    what does f.i.m does for your plant ?

    Haha yea it does mean that . Cause my last grow the plants hard shitty cola and like medium nuggs well like dey say Look like a christmas tree buds here n there not full at all
  19. NuGrower92

    what does f.i.m does for your plant ?

    Im plannin on doing for bigger yeild or colas . Is worth doing it seen alot of good results using this method.