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  1. N

    Feminized&hermies help

    man u were right i get dizzy just going through all the variety lol crazy
  2. N

    Feminized&hermies help

    ok ok i see and is the germation process as good when u used fem seeds?and do u recomend marijuana seed for fems??
  3. N

    Feminized&hermies help

    i am having a dilema regarding feminized seeds from i hear things with hermies and i hear sum with dutchmaster reverse ect ect is recomended for feminized??? does dutchmaster reverse works ?? anyone has tried or knows a bit about feminized my space does not alow...
  4. N

    soil grow package???

    allright tx 4 info ill hit a garden shop then
  5. N

    soil grow package???

    thanks ,can they be found at sum type of chain stores? i dont trust the gardens /grow shop sin my area for one bit, and its kinda heavy to oder
  6. N

    soil grow package???

    is there a soil grow package brand that can be used from seed till flowering without having to mix % of worm catsings or perlite ect ect ,not that i dont fell like so but if there is let me know:mrgreen:
  7. N

    mylar on the floor?

    great! thanks! will do so then !
  8. N

    mylar on the floor?

    is mylar on the floor good? im process of runing 20 big budplants with 1000hps/mh i was told ill be ok with that but i have remaining mylar i could usemaybe?.......would it be too much? because i heard the underleaves dont need that light or it can burn them or??? anyone knows more?
  9. N

    germination kit????

    i was shoping seeds at nirvana and fell on this anyone ever tried it ???? there is just sumthing i dont get when they say after 2 cm into large pot with soil roots will find their way ?? arent u supose to veg in smaller pot so they get nutes faster and better or??
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    carbon filter&fan placement help

    ok i get it thanx guyz apriciate it
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    carbon filter&fan placement help

    oh i see so ur saying i can have the can filter outside the room? and just suck air out through it?
  12. N

    carbon filter&fan placement help

    im a noob im working on a set up and i dont quite understand the fact of the exhaust fan yes it sucks out the air but isnt the fan supose to be on the carbon filter inside the room or i can just have it suck it out and filter it outside???? i have a can filter with 8" fan i also have a blower to...
  13. N

    Femnized big bud??

    anyone knows where i can order feminized big bud?? and will dutchmaster reverse work so that i dont get hermies???????
  14. N

    Bigud room build up ?

    does anyone know or can help out dont want to find out on my own through the process lol
  15. N

    Bigud room build up ?

    thanks i thought about that too but what do u think of the area /plant/lighting do i have enough????
  16. N

    Bigud room build up ?

    Hi everyone i was preparing my room for my grow and i found this forum and i find it awsome!:clap: Here it is i was about to do a grow based on what i learned from others around me and boy are they off.....ny setup is almost complete i will post sum pictures 2 weeks or so in growing...