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  1. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    i helped him. like a good girl does. you know, cause i wanted to make him happy and all the good shit
  2. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    I didnt suck his dick... i was gonna, but i was like, fuck that, you cant even kiss me on the lips but you ask me to blow you? nope!
  3. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    i didnt do it for attention. i did it cause i actually wanted help saying what needed to be said. fine. here's what happened. havent seen dude in two months, comes and sees me, we go out on the water, having a touching moment under the stars, (it was beautiful btw), and then he starts touching...
  4. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    well i did get dressed up nice, but thats not what happened
  5. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    lol explain what you mean?
  6. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    nope, not that
  7. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    high and dry in a different way. he doesnt smoke pot
  8. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    fuck... its none of that shit.
  9. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    what? i said i would say it, asap, when i get a call. ill just be blunt and ask... how is that not following advice?
  10. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    Nope, not it. I dont feel like saying it, cause I honestly am ashamed
  11. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    nope. i know he doesnt love me, i wouldnt ask him to tell me.
  12. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    ^ not getting into details here
  13. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    fine. i sent a text saying call me when you wake up. lets see how it goes.
  14. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    Its basically something that wasnt done, and it made me feel cheap and like i was just being used.
  15. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    i am, but i dont know how to say it... i don't want to drive the person away
  16. Urca

    Coolest Kid in Town!

    wow, uncalled for!!! what did i do to you?
  17. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    its pretty important. i cant stop thinking about it, i dont even want to try and get ready for class, I dont wanna see anybody... i just want to lay in my bed and cry. so i think i should say something so i can get an apology or at least recognition of the wrong doing
  18. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    i dont want to fuck things up... or make the person mad
  19. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    Hey dude im being serious.... if you need me to be specific, "How do you say something that can make things awkward between two people, but if i dont say it ill just wallow in my hurt until i see the person again?
  20. Urca

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    ^i dont get it...........