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  1. Q

    My Experience with the Doc

    Isn't there major risks by buying seeds online, especially with credit cards. All that stuff can be tracked and what about customs, don't they check that stuff? I was thinking about ordering lowryder seeds but I am afraid to get busted
  2. Q

    Inddor grow, what to expect?

    I'm growing indoors. I have them in a 30 gallon tote, with a 24" Florecent Grow light about 2 inches from the plants. They are in 16oz foam cups with miracle grow potting soil. I am using 1 plant spike fertilizer stick per cup. I have them on a 18/6 cycle. I don't have an intake fan or an...
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    Inddor grow, what to expect?

    I am trying to figure out if I am on the right track or not. I don't know how big it should be by now.
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    Inddor grow, what to expect?

    i don't really know either man, i just used miricle grow soil with moister control.
  5. Q

    Inddor grow, what to expect?

    They have 2 round leaves and 2 jagged ones, the jagged ones are a little under an inch long. Is that about right, or should they be bigger?
  6. Q

    Inddor grow, what to expect?

    planted seeds on 4/20.. what should I expect as far as size?
  7. Q

    Reporting me to the cops?

    So they don't track anything like that? Cause when I checked out they had to call back to lawn and garden and tell them what i was buying.
  8. Q

    Reporting me to the cops?

    I live in kentucky.
  9. Q

    Reporting me to the cops?

    So on a serious basis, does places like walmart turn people in for buying certain things. I don't want the cops showing up at my house.
  10. Q

    Reporting me to the cops?

    I am going to be growing vegitables indoors, I went to wal mart and bought a grow light, a timer, and plant food spikes. I paid with a debit card, will they track me, or report me to the police for suspicion of growing marijuana?