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  1. J

    Og chem haze

    Yeah I appreciate your advice mate let's hope all goes well and I might even do a diary once I flip them if I can be bothered lol it may even help others out :)
  2. J

    Og chem haze

    Clones are really starting to get more branches now I had fim,d them just over a week ago, I really am itching to flip but they need re-potted soon then obv a few days after maybe a week of the re pot I'm going to go 12/12 pretty confident that they'll be at least a foot n half as they range...
  3. J

    Og chem haze

    Id love to have a outside grow mate but currently Wher I live (north England ) it's about 8 degrees and it rains quite a bit lol do you do much outside growing mate?
  4. J

    Og chem haze

    Funny that I've just got myself a bag ov cheese 1.8 £20 hence why I need to grow my own shit we get quite a bit cheese over here I would love to get a good exodus cut, I remember the first time I had slh in amsterdam I was in love with the taste lol! New I would have to grow it 1 day lol money...
  5. J

    Og chem haze

    Yeah I know what you mean they tell you what you want to hear lol this is only my second grow and what I had done was give them 8 weeks with nutes then 10 days flush I know some ppl say flushing is pointless but it makes sense to me , also tht was multi strain grow bb cheese, bb blue cheese , bb...
  6. J

    Og chem haze

    I'm hoping I can keep them around 3 1/2 foot once the stretch has stopped this grow is really going to be just learning the strain see what she's like with feeds ect so I'll be keeping a mother and if it's worth running again I'll be sticking with this for a while if all isn't great yeild,taste...
  7. J

    Og chem haze

    I'm in a dr100 mate going to have a 5inch cooltube 600watt hopefully 12 inch above a even canopy if all goes well I think if I went upto 20 liters I'd need to be vegging for another 3-4 weeks?
  8. J

    Og chem haze

    Cheers mate it duznt give me a great deal of info on seedfinder part from It apparently be really potent :) think I'm guna let them root out the 6ltr pots re pot them too 10 or 11 ltr give a couple days then flip them around 12inch in height so shud be able to control the stretch as I'm...
  9. J

    Og chem haze

    Hello I'm wondering if any 1 has any info on og chem haZe I'm growing 6 cuts I received in canna terra pro plus soil with bio bizz line of nutes i know it's crossed with cg,s sssdh so am I going to get much stretch when I flip with these ? As aparently the sssdh stretches quite a bit, any1 with...
  10. J


    Hi I'm currently drying my crop and my room is 18c and rh is 60% are these ok conditions to dry in?
  11. J

    Temp n humidity

    Fingers crossed it go,s ok then lads cheers
  12. J

    Temp n humidity

    Hi I'm 3 weeks in flower and my temp n humidity daytime is 42% rh and 27c night is 60%rh and 20c are these ok to keep bud rot away?
  13. J

    Ballast question

    Thankyou for info boys
  14. J

    Ballast question

    Can anybody tell me what the combined wattage of my 600 watt ballast running a 600 watt light? Does this mean it's 1200 watt or just 600 ?
  15. J

    White things in my soil! Help!!!!!

    Hi I'm new to growing I've got 14 plants under 2 600 watt lights in a 2.4 x 1.2 meter tent 1 clip on fan and carbon filter I have switched to flower 5 days ago most plants are around 30-60 cm I have just been in tent and noticed some white stuff cumin out the top of the soil I thought they...
  16. J

    Temps and humidity

    Cheers mate ill see if it comes down a bit hope it does lol
  17. J

    Temps and humidity

    Cheers lads! The other 600w I have isn't a cooltube so I imagine temps will go up quite a bit when that go,s in plants r looking good anyway they are about 19 inches and will not be flowered for 2 more weeks
  18. J

    Temps and humidity

    I'm exhausting to another room and have fresh Intake from window but temps outside is like 8c as I live in England it's cold ! Also this is my first grow
  19. J

    Temps and humidity

    Hi I've got 14 plants under a 600 cooltube for veg temps are 19.5 Celsius and 72% humidity planning on putting Another 600 in for flower are these temps ok ?
  20. J

    Smell control

    No more confusion I understand what you are sayin appreciate it mate