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  1. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    are those also full bred indica's? i don't take offense im fairly new to growing so i would be suprised if i had monster plants, it's different if where talking about indoor vs outdoor
  2. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    yeh obv they are but indoor they have way more light hours, compared to the shitty weather i been having in northern europe
  3. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    you do know plants grow bigger and faster when they have a more powerfull light and more of it? like let's say..... inside? under lamps?
  4. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    dude you really comparing indoor (probably hybrid) plants under a 20/4 cycle to outdoor full indica plants lmaoooo. and i just posted the pic so you were prolly the only dude to see it, with your 'nobody wants to give it to you straight'. you only know the veg time and pot size, you don't know...
  5. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    oh and btw i have no other choice but to give them once every 2 days at the moment, so what would be best you think? 3 gallons seems oke and runoff is about 20%
  6. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    they are 15 gallon about 3 and a half months vegging, before this they were in 5 gall and i watered them every other day with 1.5 gallon, because the day after they were still pretty moist. i feel like if i fed them every day it would only harm them
  7. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    thanks for the reply, i had them in the 5 gallons for over 2 months, and been vegging them for like 3 and a half in total. i still got about half a month left till flower so thats why i thought 15 would be oke, especially since the 5 was already filled up. i've been giving them water every other...
  8. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    dawg idk if you read the thread but im not there, and i got a friend who can barelly grow tomatoes on the job rt now. wish i was there cus i know i woulda been able to gauge it myself
  9. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    yeh i know that i misstyped lmao, more so how many liters and how often, 3 gallons every 2 days is fine you think?
  10. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    ehhh you sure can that's why i'm asking what the best would be
  11. JKp

    how much water in 15 gallon coco?

    hey y'all, so i got some outdoor plants in 50/50 coco perlite which i just transplanted from 5 to 15 gallons, after which i went on vacation. i left my buddy to take care of em and i told him to give them 3 gallons every other day, will that be too much seeing as their newly transplanted? before...
  12. JKp

    what type of deficiency is this?

    im having trouble identifying this deficiency, could anybody help me out? also spotted some brown spots spread along the plant but it wasnt anything serious. thanks
  13. JKp

    Is my plant too small??

    @Wattzzup @Hobbes im growing outdoors, already giving them nutrients as well but a little at a time as to not burn them
  14. JKp

    Is my plant too small??

    Hey, so recently I started my first grow and I'm worried my plants are a little bit small for their age, and that I'm wasting my time with them. I'm growing Blue cheese automatic from RQS and they are about 24 days from sprout. They are a little bit bigger than my hand and about 5 inches tall...
  15. JKp

    stunted seedling?

    because i already germinated them and the soil i ordered got really late, started them in 16oz cups and transplanted after 6 days, the transplant shouldnt have damaged anything tho
  16. JKp

    stunted seedling?

    i transplanted them about a week in and they seemed to grow as they normally would without looking stunted, but they still seem a little bit small for me...
  17. JKp

    stunted seedling?

    do my plants look small for their age? they are all 13 days old, about 2 inches tall and 2.5-3.5 inches wide. when looking at other peoples plants online mine look rather disappointing :/ if anyone could help me out that would be great
  18. JKp

    Poor Planning

    and what about the cups? they would be in there for a maximum of 3 to days
  19. JKp

    Poor Planning

    and am i oke watering them with regular tap or spring water until i get the ph meter?
  20. JKp

    Poor Planning

    hiya, this is my first post so go easy on me :p finally decided to grow my first plants and started germinating my seeds on monday using the paper towel method, checked today to see they all showed roots which is great ofcourse, but my soil, ph meter, nutes etc wont arrive until saturday or...