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  1. bradjohnson

    Finished stealth wardrobe box!!

    sorry, heres the pic..
  2. bradjohnson

    Finished stealth wardrobe box!!

    dude, i gotta tell you. that setup won't last. In and out all day, water and lights and all that shit...It just wont hold up. My recc. is to take it easy on the box, and get a more sturdy one for the next time, or mid grow switch. Heres my box (1st try). I'll change to a grow tent next time.
  3. bradjohnson

    Yellow & Claw (pics)

    Cool. I used drinking water purchased from the local grocery store (usually I just use tap water left in buckets for 24-48 hrs.). Se cool and thanks for your all help.
  4. bradjohnson

    Yellow & Claw (pics)

    PH is around 5.5-6.5. I think it might have been the big bud I put in, didn't have an accurate way to measure. leaves turned within 1 week from last water / nut change. How long do you reccommend to flush? I have had it on pure water for 3 flood cycles now, and thinkig of adding 50% nutes...
  5. bradjohnson

    Yellow & Claw (pics)

    Hello all, take a look at these girls. They are 4+ weeks into flower. hydro ebb and flow. 12 hours 400 watt HPS. Using pure blend pro bloom, liquid karma, sweet, big bud, cal mag, all at around 75-90%. Anyway, several of the bottom leaves began turning yellow, and I'm getting a severe...
  6. bradjohnson

    New plants curling under and turning yellow

    Hi, I don't want to take over this post, but I am having a similar problem. Any additional info would be appriciated. 3.5 weeks into flowering, lots of yellowing at the bottom fan leaves, and severe claw. Here's some pics. Hydro, ebb and flow, 4 waters per 12 hours of light, standard...
  7. bradjohnson

    Too much or not enough

    Heres the gang at 5 days in the box. 15 days since Germination. I'm was watering every three hours when these were taken (this morning), and switched to every 4 hours because they looked a bit droopy to me. Good move or bad? Also, the freakin PH won't stay down, any ideas on slow...
  8. bradjohnson

    Help from the pros

    Ok, I've read quite a bit on the net, which may or may not be my main problem. I have also spent a lot of money on my first grow, again may or may not be useful. Heres the system. 400 watt vented / air cooled MH / HPS light set on MH, 18" above plants. Turbo garden ebb and flow system...