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  1. Eharmony420

    How does this top cola look ?

    wow u put me too shame ! Braggert!
  2. Eharmony420

    First grow, learned a lot, but need some confirmation, please!

    ow sorry man, my first grow too, and of 2 plants one was a female and was a male. So i pollinated the femae with the male and she is still flowering. Trust me on this. You will shit a brick when u see how much plooen comes out that male. I mean JESUS CHRIST! What i wud do differently is not...
  3. Eharmony420

    Advice help!:)

    NAH, i cant use home depot web site, my computer locks on it, seriously, but it in the ro section of the store. They have faucets shower heads complete under the sink systems, i guess u dont have hd wher yu are, hmmm. It loks like one of the cheaper sink ones that screw on to the faucet, its not...
  4. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    I hear that.
  5. Eharmony420

    Magnifying scope?

    I got the same prob. Yesterday i got a full micrscope at a thrift shop for 5 dollars. Real nice one lol. CAnt fig out to get a look at trichs for the life of me. I thinking of scrpaing off some tricks onto a slide!
  6. Eharmony420

    *first ever grow day 8* how does she look?

    26 watt 6500k cfls? They shud glow white! The 6500 is the color temp, some bulbes will tell yu, yu want i think to find a tleast the ones that have 1500 or so lumens! One bulb i got syas 5500k. i vegginf my clones now like yu but in mini hydros. Make sure those llights are 1 to 2 inches...
  7. Eharmony420

    3 26 watt watt 6500s for veg 2 clones

    here the pics enjoy mates. I know that big girl is looking a little off! She a miracle, my first, the one i threw in a kitchen herb pot and forgot and lo and behold something shot up one day as i was making me coffee! I butchered her birth for a few weeks then i got a full set up and some...
  8. Eharmony420

    3 26 watt watt 6500s for veg 2 clones

    PICS BELOW! Yo all, i got 3 26 watt cfls for veg of 2 clones. 1 clone in a single pot dwc the other in an an experimental rockwool media ebb and flo that i hand water by dipping once a day. I think by its slo root growth comapred to her sisters she is getting 2 much water and not enuf oxygen...
  9. Eharmony420

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    " yea got miracle grow rose bloomer, 12-32-16 or something like that. workin pretty good" hanatar= just saw this guys doil grow and wow! i ORDERD My stuff online, good deal. I started off liek yu then jumped to hydrp and a 400 watt hid. My plants made the transplant easy. I was surprised...
  10. Eharmony420

    Cabinet Grow w/ tons of pics! bagseed 7weeks ,3 plants, 1 lst

    man those were some bushy ladies, reps to yu, also anub wanted ot know what soil ferts to use so i gonna quote yu! reps
  11. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    ty guys, u all helped a lot. I agree with yu both, lol!
  12. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    whats pretty much gurantee mean ES? I have to trust expereince. I have seen what it can do and i know from experience that specualtion and what shud happen is rearly right! I have a plant a month in flower. Do yu guys think i shud do what fdd did. I not sure becasue it looks liek u might have...
  13. Eharmony420

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    i learned something too. What fertilizer shud he use from hd?
  14. Eharmony420

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    man my spelling sucks, sound it out. lol
  15. Eharmony420

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    my clones leaves yellowed as they produce roots as the plant has to eat something before it can eat with the roots. Maybe the soil u gave had some nutrietns and now it gone and it si time to ass more. U can post for a quick repsonse or better yet read the faqa for fertilizzerz. I cud be dead...
  16. Eharmony420

    cant get help anywhere else so i tried here

    u YOu have no nutes? My first guess is the leaves are yellowing as the plant needs nuts! I a nub but i know yu shud have some now. I a hydro guy, but get some superthrive and be careful of time release is all i know about soil. sorry lol, they look nice other wise tho, and also ucan get those...
  17. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    reps to E.S! thas ounds like a good idea. Plus the girls just went "light out" for night! Reps to yu all, this was a fun topic!
  18. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    woulf u suggest i just cut the lower branches fan leaves bud sights and everythimg? Like a lollipop almost. Because that would be cool. LOl, i dont know if i could. Well i did clone her to a 100 succes rate and they in flower. Cn u clone a fan leaf? Hell i shud clone all the branches for a...
  19. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    I wondered if it was too stress ful tho to cut the plant in flower for it. Id love to trim the lower extremely small sites off. As i understand it, dont cut leaves, they do the work and cut worthles buds they taking extra energy. ANy fqs, i going to look now, on light actually on the bud sights...
  20. Eharmony420

    Bored enuf to cut!

    really, i wondered about that, removing bud sites