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  1. L

    Noob question about topping plants

    When topping plants for the two colas on top, all videos and books seem to say to go 2 nodes down and snip. Is it possible to get the same result by going further down the plant to make the cut? My reasoning behind wanting to do this is to get an even canopy since some plants are a bit taller...
  2. L

    drilling holes in plastic tub

    I got a 2'x4' gardening tray for a upgrade, but the holes weren't pre-drilled. I have my drill and spade bit but thought I'd ask for some tips before drilling through the tub, as it is quite expensive and I don't want to mess it up on my first try. I have heard that warming the plastic with a...
  3. L

    Need help finding a 2' x 4' tray

    I seem to think there is a stigma in using clear trays. Am I right about that, or is there a way to get around using a clear tray- i.e. painting or covering in foil?
  4. L

    Need help finding a 2' x 4' tray

    Thanks for responses. I'm looking to use 2 trays in an ebb and flow system and 1 in a drip irrigation system. I have everything else that I need, and I'm using a masonry tub at the moment, but I know that there are "flood trays" that are better suited for growing. Hope that helps you help me.
  5. L

    Need help finding a 2' x 4' tray

    The only ones on-line I've been able to find are $50 minimum, and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a cheaper source. I need 3 trays and I'd like to keep it under $100 if possible. Thanks for any assistance.
  6. L

    Question on transplanting from soil

    Hello all, first timer here. I have a plant that is growing in soil that I want to transplant to a soiless mix to interact with my drip irrigation system, that is already up and functioning smooth. I have a 2 day old seedling as well I'd like to transplant. Anyone have any experience with...
  7. L

    About transplanting-nervous noob here

    As far as I know, though I'm an admitted newbie, is yes. I have set up a drip irrigation system and I'm thinking that transplanting the roots still in some soil should work and the soil will wash off after a few waterings. I have yet to do the actual transplant as I just completed all tests on...
  8. L

    About transplanting-nervous noob here

    Thanks for the response, Seamaiden. I should have been more specific about the video. In the newbie section there is a free video forum stickied and the first video is this one - POT-TV: Mr. Green: I Grow Chronic , which is the one that closest matched my room's dimensions so I used his set-up...
  9. L

    About transplanting-nervous noob here

    So, I've been here a couple of days reading FAQ's and watching videos. I have made my shopping trips and have a set-up very similar to the one constructed in Mr Green's I Grow Chronic video, with just the vegetative room complete as I won't be using the flowering room for at least a month. I'm...
  10. L

    New here just feeling things out

    Nice to see a fair amount of support here. Thanks to all for responding to my thread.
  11. L

    New here just feeling things out

    A solid combo of both. I live in PA, but traveled to NH for the "Live Free Or Die" project, which was a massive boots-on-the-ground volunteer effort for Dr. Paul. I was also an active meet-up group member(no more weekly meet-ups but we still have events and e-mail communication), and precinct...
  12. L

    First-timer here-Patience is my virtue

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I have done much research and work over the last few days and feel much more prepared than I did a few days ago. I'm sure the specific questions will start flowing soon, but FAQ has had my back so far.
  13. L

    New here just feeling things out

    I am new to the community, and spend much of my free time involved in politics. So I wanted to see how people here feel about Ron Paul? I have been actively supporting him for the past 2 years, and I'm just wondering what the people here feel about Ron Paul and if anyone has already joined...
  14. L

    First-timer here-Patience is my virtue

    So, a friend of mine moved and gave me a plant. I have a dirt basement that noone but myself ventures into so I've got a very basic system going on right now down there. I just purchased a book and I had signed up to these forums months ago while thinking about growing, so I'll be reading...