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  1. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Well I was lucky enough that my dad works for the electric company and I got the whole fixture bulb and everything from him. All I had to do was get a heavy duty extension cord and wire it straight up and it plugs right into the wall socket. Do you have a ground on your plug?
  2. msl&nmc2009

    New to Aerogarden

    And about the one that is broken in half, a buddy of mine had some success when this happened to him just by standing it back up and getting some clear tape and actually just taping it back together and just dont mess with it for a few days and it should grow back together and be strong enough...
  3. msl&nmc2009

    New to Aerogarden

    Just make sure that you get that male plant away from your aerogarden plants. LIKE A LONG WAYS AWAY, you should really just destroy it haha. It will pollinate your ladies and you wont get anything worth a damn, just some time down the drain.
  4. msl&nmc2009

    Hairy's 1st AeroGarden grow!

    haha yeah you guys were starting to worry me lol. You were talking about flowering for 3 months and I was like damn that seems like a long time, but is 2 weeks long enough to cure? Im not really sure, but I have just heard a bunch of different things. Im still on my first grow, I posted some...
  5. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Just a quick update. This will be day 18 of my grow from seed. Just took a couple of pics to post up here. Does the size of these look right compared to everyone else at 18 days? Or how am I doing? The Ph is staying right around 5.8, and they are starting to drink a little water. About 15-20oz a...
  6. msl&nmc2009

    Need som Help please

    I am still on my first AG grow right now as well, but I believe that looks like nute burn. And have you checked your ph for nute lock??? Just a few suggestions. I would cut your nutes in half for next time. So check the Ph and give them a day or 2 and they will probably look a lot better. Not...
  7. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Well my plants are growing pretty fast. Im trying to decide when to top them, they each hace between 4-6 nodes one has 7... So can I go ahead and top all of them now? It seems like now is about the time when everyone is saying to top them, but I just want to make sure before I just go at it with...
  8. msl&nmc2009

    WC AeroGarden KUSH GROW

    Man SICC your plants are looking B-E-Autiful haha. Your setup looks so nice and organized compared to mine haha. I guess a little experience makes all the difference in setup and everything. I am learning a lot from my first grow so Im already ready for my second. Good luck man, I cant wait to...
  9. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Well I hope i have it down, I still have a long ways to go. Im hoping I will get at least two females, that would make everything better. I guess its just a waiting game now. I will keep this updated and try to get some more pictures as time goes along.
  10. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Thanks man, I was noticing a little bit of growth and stuff in the pods and wasnt sure how to control, but thanks for advice. I read through your whole thread at least once maybe twice haha. A lot of good information. Thanks man.
  11. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Here are a couple of pictures that I took last night. It is the 16th day from seed. Let me know how im doing. The plants had a little nute burn I think is what it looks like, but this morning they were looking a lot healthier.
  12. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    So I just got back from Knoxville after being gone for a couple of days and I was really surprised at how well my plants are doing. I am working on getting pictures and will try to post some up tonight or tomorrow. I have to get a camera from the girlfriend. All the plants look really healthy...
  13. msl&nmc2009

    First grow ever! Aerogarden bagseed!

    Hello fellow AG growers, I started my AG grow about 2 weeks ago and im pretty excited about it. I wasnt sure if I was going to start a grow journal or not but it seems like a lot of people are so I figured why not try and see what people have to say. I kinda of got ahead of myself and...
  14. msl&nmc2009

    Aerogarden Germination Settings

    I have always had great success using the paper towel method. It seems to work well and is really easy. Good luck with your grow. I will be watching, I have just started mine about 2 weeks ago.
  15. msl&nmc2009

    Hairy's 1st AeroGarden grow!

    Dude this post is awesome! I have been following and rereading it over and over. I started my AG grow with some bagseeds about 2 weeks ago. Your posts have been really helpful and have a lot of great information and really easy to follow. Thanks for the great details and all the knowledge. Keep...