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  1. booph

    What y'all think so far

    What's up everybody I'm just going to treat this thread like my journal, so I was having overwatering and nute deficiency I've since then have been correcting the problems they seem to be bouncing back just fine. If you look at my earlier post you'll see some plants are being locked out and...
  2. booph

    What y'all think so far

    Ok ok good for a min I was thinking it may get to packed in there once I switched to flower but I'm at ease now thanks
  3. booph

    What y'all think so far

    You think I should flower or let them go a little longer?
  4. booph

    What y'all think so far

    Lol ohh and any suggestions on if I should flip or let them keep growing
  5. booph

    What y'all think so far

    What link? And they're liking the nutes a lot And would you suggest letting them veg longer or would you just flip to flower?
  6. booph

    What y'all think so far

    Just checked up on them since yesterday I feed them all some more then others but they seem to be bouncing back fine you agree.
  7. booph

    What y'all think so far

    Yeah I just started using nector of the gods and it seemed to give them a Lil boast I will post pictures on Monday Tuesday to show changes
  8. booph

    Nector of the gods any advice on it

    Just started using NEXTOR OF THE GODS have any of you guys had any experience with it
  9. booph

    What y'all think so far

    All these were taken when the pots completely dried out and I just watered before the picture I did notice the N problem but they've been responding well to the new nuts and soil I switched them over to. I was use long foxfarms but I wanted to try something different so I waited to they were...
  10. booph

    What y'all think so far

    About a month deep into veg I was thinking of letting them veg little longer let them grow more, suggestions?
  11. booph

    Nector of the gods?

  12. booph

    Nector of the gods?

    What do you guys think about the nector of the gods nuts I'm also using black gold organic potting soil does anybody have input?
  13. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    Just transplanted and watered I'm now using black gold organic potting soil
  14. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    Yeah I'm currently getting ready to switch them over to a different soil and nut lines so I've just been giving calmag with plain PHd water
  15. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    So it's been a while so here it is I'm switching my soil to black organic gold I'm going to add some coco to the mix and use nector of the gods starter pack.
  16. booph

    HELP!!! My plants

    I try to water pretty slow I have had problems keeping under and over watered. I use air pots so they sit off the ground but they do dry out quickly sometimes you think maybe give them a flush
  17. booph

    HELP!!! My plants

    So I have no idea what's going on I plain feed and nite feed every other watering I'm using botancare pure blend grow and cal-mag. I ideally mis up about 2.5ml per 5gal and 10ml of the cal-mag I Ph to about 6.2 6.3
  18. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    So my garden isn't looking it's exact best can you guys give me sim help
  19. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    Ok so I have no idea wats going on Ive topped and LST 3 plants since my last update 2 seem to be doing well but one got push to far and is dieing as a result my other plant looks to be over watered it's been like this for about 3 days and the healthiest plant hasn't been getting any bigger...
  20. booph

    Just a little update with pics

    Great minds think alike, cause I thought the same thing. Thanks