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  1. danknugg

    Old grow patch came back

    If there is only 10 it is likely a planned garden. Not a forgotten one, that would have many many plants from many many many seeds. Hey maybe you got lucky tho! If so sweet deal! And spread that good karma! (my way please :)))
  2. danknugg

    Is my plants ready to flower? Opinions please.

    dude flower it now, the plants gonna get a lot bigger, id bet...don't freak out, they look healthy
  3. danknugg

    How many 26w cfls for a 2-3 oz harvest?

    Hey all! I am looking to flower 2-5 clones using all cfls in a dresser. I want to yield around 75 dry grams from a harvest. My dresser measures 2x3x3 feet and will be in a basement that stays under 60*. My main question is how many watts can i squeeze in there? And will I be able to hit my dry...
  4. danknugg

    how much watts for 2 oz cfl harvest?

    also i am flowering four clones 2 week after they've been cut and under 18/6 from indica dominant hybrids
  5. danknugg

    how much watts for 2 oz cfl harvest?

    thanks for reply. it would be a fun experiment in a rubbermaid 30 gallon conatainer. i could do a few more lights but i dont have ventilation. the box will be in a basement that stays around 55 so i dont think it will be too hot. i have great soil in the backyard and i plan to just use that and...
  6. danknugg

    how much watts for 2 oz cfl harvest?

    would 4 26 watt cfls pull me half ounce each off 4 clones?
  7. danknugg

    What Will Life Be Like In 10-20-30 Years?

    America will either go one of two ways A LOT more dumb laws or A LOT less dumb laws haven't quite figured it out yet but its lookin like we like to be dumb
  8. danknugg

    What Will Life Be Like In 10-20-30 Years?

    ...marijuana will be legal, internationally
  9. danknugg

    What Will Life Be Like In 10-20-30 Years? day, a black man will be president
  10. danknugg

    What Will Life Be Like In 10-20-30 Years?

    aquaponics (hydroponics w an aquarium farm for fish (usually commerically tilapia)) is the future because it is sustainable, attainable, and productive. Just need to see a little more support from the organic and sustainability folk. Politics will not change. Energy will continue to rise in...
  11. danknugg

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    best place ive ever smoked was my other buddys outdoor hottub that was in a wooden room thing so u cud hotbox it and we used the hotub as a g-bong sooooooooooo hi on cali buds:peace:
  12. danknugg

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    that was sposed to post at 4:19 bongsmilie
  13. danknugg

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    me and my buddy were sittin in his caddy in his moms garage hotboxin forever rollin up and rollin up some more when she came out into the garage and smoked a 100 cigg to the filter, and never even saw us, but i dont know how cuz his car was right in front of the door lol i swear she looked right...
  14. danknugg

    Autoflower Outdoors: When is first TRUE harvest possible?

    well they are a bit on the expensive side $150 for 10 beans, with free shipping included :) but if they can produce for me like they did for sodalite then completely worth it! thanks for the awesome tips and the link!
  15. danknugg

    Autoflower Outdoors: When is first TRUE harvest possible?

    Excellent! IAF sounds like it may be something I could do well with :) I am happy you will personally be growing those
  16. danknugg

    Autoflower Outdoors: When is first TRUE harvest possible?

    Ya i just love the long cure :) but i have no problem trading with a buddy who happens to already have long cured buds, for while i wait for mine to cure out :)
  17. danknugg

    Autoflower Outdoors: When is first TRUE harvest possible?

    WOW thank you this is exactly the kind of thread i've been looking for! It's super impressive, I need to go finish reading it!
  18. danknugg

    Autoflower Outdoors: When is first TRUE harvest possible?

    Good thinking ahead, I'm thinking it would be nice to pull an early couple of ounces only just enough for me and my gf, and then have a harvest that'll get us thru the year from photos! I like to let my buds get an extra long cure so i usually wudn't touch for 6-8 weeks after choppa down just...