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  1. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    26 years wow thats crazy...aight i'll be shopping around and filling you on what seeds i bought
  2. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    ooh and by the way i just want to have one plant nothing serious and then clone from then on to have to steady supple....but that would be stupid because there could be a possibility it could be male right...
  3. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    do the seeds go bad though...or is there i certain amount of time i can have them sealed away before i actually plant them
  4. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    cool...aight so i'm going to go with either these choices don't know yet but my options are either the white widow , the white rhino , hindu kush , or skunk #1 ...if theres seems likes theres any that i can't grow please say so or if theres any extra care that needs to be put into these...
  5. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    anyone...i'm going to plants these in a small normal closet as well so space would also be a factor
  6. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    okay well i think i'll go with the indica or is it possible for me to do an indica/sativa...i've been lookin at the saw some nices plants...can anyone help me out and recommend some nice hardy plants that have a nice yield and potency...
  7. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    thanks...alright so i'll guess i'll go with the indica....i've been looking at this shop Cannabis seeds straight from the breeder/seedbank NIRVANA - High Quality Hemp Seed - Indica Sativa Feminized Marijuana seeds. if anyone can look and recommend me some of the good ones to grow for...
  8. S

    beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

    okay well I'm doing my research like any other newbie...and i've notice already that sativa and indica are basically to difficulty levels...i've read already that indica being the easier of the two and sativa needing more of a tropical lighting...more input would be nice to help me get a further...
  9. S

    Growing from a Rookie to an Amateur then Expert process

    okay well I'm doing my research like any other newbie...and i've notice already that sativa and indica are basically to difficulty levels...i've read already that indica being the easier of the two and sativa needing more of a tropical lighting...more input would be nice to help me get a further...
  10. S

    previous new growers

    Can anyone redirect me with some links to previous beginners threads and what they i want to see what everyone has done and their techniques before i even start to begin my growing