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  1. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    the roots
  2. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    4 days into 12/12 for these 16 jack herer. ppm 1450 ph 5.8 not too much to report on these as there hasnt been much growth yet. compaired both pics and in 4 days im already seeing less black plastic lol so must be doing sumfing right lol. roots starting to grow from every pot , day 1 had none...
  3. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    4wks into flower ppm 3000 ph 6.0 yeah thats High and im watching them closely so no worries , there lovin it anyway with NO signs of burn. slight diff in size btween the last pictures i put up, buds forming fast now and are covering themselfs in trics.
  4. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    today is day 28 of flower for 5 of my jack herer's all the pictures i posted lastnight are from last week so hopefully you guys should see a diff. will post pictures, ppm's n ph's once i do my daily checks.
  5. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    my topped SuperSkunk
  6. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    on the right is the single jack herer in the dwc setup. its been in flower almost 4 weeks. started to show signs of the change 14 days ago. this plant is a monster. next to that is 2 smaller jack herer in the 1st two pots in the wilma system. the other 2 pots have the berry bomb and...
  7. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    berry bomb
  8. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    they will be well on there way i meant to say . lol
  9. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    berry bomb shes now about 20" and really fat stemmed which is a great sign, shes gona be a huge fat single cola i think as there are only 2-3 side branches. nice fat leaves too. shes a couple of wks into flower and is just starting to show signs of changing. 3-4 days and i reckon
  10. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    4 jack herer in the autopot system. 1 is staying small which is kinda wierd coz they all rooted at the same time.
  11. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    here is the Amazon system i converted to a 16pot with the clones sittin pretty. ppm around 1300 and ph 5.9-6.0
  12. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    camera's screwed on my phone , well its actually the phone thats screwed. having to use my other phone so pictures aint too hot but bare with me as i will have my upgrade in a week or 2. not that much to report except that my 4 pot amazon system came and ive since converted it into a 16pot...
  13. 29menace

    Flowering Just Rooted Clones

    hi guys n gals just bought a 16pot amazon system (aeroponics) and im wanting to flower 16 of my not long rooted clones. i have 50 JACK HERER clones which vary in time since they rooted,, some as much as 3wks and the last of them a week ago and ever since they have been sitting under a 5ft 80w...
  14. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    thanx man , yeah i have more than usual lol but im planning on going perpetual after the 1st lots ready. another week on sunday coming will be them 4 wks into the flowering cycle so will add the new amazon 16pot system. just checked on the superskunk and bomb berry and there growing fast...
  15. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    The only difference between the two systems is the holes in the lid. The sprinklers will still provide adequate coverage to all root systems Whether there were 1 or 8 holes in each section. I would go 8 in each section but I think 4 would be more productive as I'd be able to grow them slightly...
  16. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Here's an update on the clones. Apart from the 6 I dropped and snapped all 60 rooted , 100% success this time round which is good as normally I lose 2 or 3 out of every 10. I have 50 in small pots and 4 slightly older in the autopot system. These are all under 24/7 lighting , ppm 700-800 ...
  17. 29menace

    Jack Herer

  18. 29menace

    Jack Herer

    Day 13 of flowering , they have doubled in size and more. the 3 in the bubblers are absolute monsters. Ph 6.0 , ppm's 2000 in bubblers. Wilma system ph 6.0 , ppm 1200. Wilma system has younger plants so jst being careful till I know they can handle stronger nutes. 3 biggest jack herer have...
  19. 29menace

    What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

    My charts are for 20litre tanks and work well. Hope this helps you. Adv nutrients is expensive yes but worth every penny in my opinion. especially when you use the pirahna powder and tarantula powder together.
  20. 29menace

    First Journal Sort of a Stealth Grow

    Looks sweet in here m8 , can either Lst her or top her then Lst any side branches u get. Keep up the good work!!