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  1. B

    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    heyy..hasnt been a scoop for a while eh! im going to take pics really soon and give a full update..i dont really have any great ones from flowering yet and its been over 3 weeks since i started 12/12. i bought a metal halide/hps ballast on ebay the other day and it should get to me in a few...
  2. B

    think this will make a huge difference?

    yeah ive actually heard that before too. thc kindof acts like a sort of defense mechanism for the stressing the plant by cutting of its light for a bit would actually pump out the thc. darkdestruction went over the top in saying you should give it that much darkness..but im pretty sure...
  3. B

    think this will make a huge difference?

    lol @ darkdestruction420..yeah clapclap to you my friend i dont have any experience with metal halide/hps yet. my growing space is a tall closet (1.5 feet by 2 feet base, 8 feet tall) that i have put a shelf in the middle of and am growing 2 plants in the top half and 1 plant in the bottom. my...
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    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    mmhmm. thanks alot bro its going as well as it could go for a CFL grow. ive just gotta be careful not to overfertlize and i should be good! peace p.s. new pics very soon! you should see how hairy my one furthest developed plant is getting! beautiful white/yellow buds!
  5. B

    think this will make a huge difference?

    Ok grreat yeah I'm really thinking i'll have this ballast by the last few weeks of flowering. I'm gunna buy it on ebay for like 150 and it works for both metal halide and hps 400 watters heat it already a bit of an issue for me..i have to have a fan on at all times during the light hours..and...
  6. B

    think this will make a huge difference?

    Ok so until now I've been using strictly CFL's for my grow. I've been slowly adding more and more CFL bulbs throughout vegging and now into the start of flowering. I should have another month and a half left and should harvest by the very end of May. Right now I have 6-7 42 watt (2600 lumen)...
  7. B

    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    Yeahh its pretty slack in Canada overall..somewhere between the US and the Netherlands..buut i guarantee things will only get drastically slacker in the US over the next decade. Especially with Mr. Obama as pres! :peace:
  8. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    ok! so things are lookin up since i started this thread. after performing the flush my plants are looking healthier than ever. some of the yellower leaves have even recovered some of their green pigment. good news also, i am actually positive that what happened to those select leaves were from...
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    ok, yeah. most of the water that i use for the plants has been sitting for that long..but from now on ill make sure it all has been
  10. B

    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    yeah it seems it was just that one night. i think whatever bug it mightve been has died since and the plants are looking good again. hopefully theyll start growing like mad again after the flush i performed the other day i have these 400Watt metal halide and hps bulbs..i want to use em so bad...
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    i filter all the water i give to the plants so that must unchlorinate it. and sulphur. im def going to try the molasses thing in a couple weeks
  12. B


    ahaha ok. thanks good luck to you too. if you dont post back ill know that it didnt do much 4 ya
  13. B

    1st Grow Ever -- Indoor-CFL -- New Pics Every Few Days

    Hey guy. You can have "seats" in journals? How does that all work? Yeah unknown problems are frigging scary..if you look up close at these leaves it really does appear to be some sort of bug munching down on the 99% sure of it. But I learned that I didn't perform a proper flush last...
  14. B

    My 1st Op --> check it out

    yeah..well i performed a flush yesterday. hopefully the signs of nute burn start to disappear. but im 99% sure that last night there was some sort of insect munching on them. if you could look close up at these leaves youd see it..anyways we'll see
  15. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    ok yeah thanks again guys. im flushing them right now. i looked close at the leaves though and im actually like 99% sure that they were being eaten last night by bug(s). i can clearly see the top layer of the leaves that have been munched on. so i honestly think my problem is bugs and not...
  16. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    ok thanks ALOT for the info..i cant believe i made the same mistake twice with the overfertilizing. i caaaant believe it..leave it to me to overdo things anyways when you say 3 gallons for a 1 gallon dont mean all this water at the same time do you? youre talking over the period of a...
  17. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    dude no way my plants dont look fried at all they look like theyre being eaten. i saw what fried looks like with my last plant and im using 1/2 doses of each of those ferts..therefore im at like a 1.5 X dose..figured that wasnt too much for flowering every time i water there is fert in the...
  18. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    its been only like 2-3 weeks since i last flushed. then again ive been using alot of nutes since. i use 10 drops (10-20 drops/litre recommended dose) of 8-7-6 miracle grow, 10 drops (7 drops/litre recommended dose) of 10-15-10 liquid plant food, and 1 gram (1 gram/litre recommended dose) of...
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    My 1st Op --> check it out

    nahh bro im sooo sure its not overwatering or nute problems..i made that mistake with my first plant and promised myself i wouldnt do it again. i am giving it a good amount of nutes though..theres a chance i might be giving em slightly too much but the thing is this problem only appeared...
  20. B

    well isnt this just freaking awesome

    i flushed them right before flowering..dunno how anything could be built up again already. its only occuring on some leaves..the other leaves look 100% healthy as you can see also, ive got little bits of mould growing on the top of the soil..from the dead leaves that fell on the top of the soil...