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  1. S

    another lighting question!?

    Is there a wattage or anything on them? Also will they fit in any kind of lighting fixture that uses tube lighting
  2. S

    another lighting question!?

    okay cool one more thing can you tell me what wattage t5 i should use like 6500k but wattage for veg and then i know 2700k for flower but also what wattage thats mainly what im confused on. lol
  3. S

    another lighting question!?

    t5s will one take care of both of my plants and do i change it after it goes to flowering?also what wattage t5? also i just raised my plant that is in veg up to about 2 inches from the 60 watt cfl is this gonna be okay seeing as im on a 18 on 6 off cycle and then when i increase wattage lower...
  4. S

    another lighting question!?

    also i just raised my plant that is in veg up to about 2 inches from the 60 watt cfl is this gonna be okay seeing as im on a 18 on 6 off cycle and then when i increase wattage lower them abit?
  5. S

    another lighting question!?

    Space isn't a problem, as big as I can get and pretty broke lol,
  6. S

    another lighting question!?

    Okay so im going in the next few days to buy some bulbs for the rest of the growth stages of my plants, right now i have 1 60watt cfl per plant.. im wondering if i go to a 250 watt cfl (6500k) on each until flowering and then 2700k 13watt cfl, would this be an okay setup, and make them grow...
  7. S

    Lighting questions??

    The seed has a tap root that's really long lol
  8. S

    Lighting questions??

    Would 150watt bulbs be okay for the next lights???
  9. S

    Lighting questions??

    im just wondering if my plants are close enough to the light the one on the right I think is in veg idk what determines that, and the one on the left I literally just planted and I'm just curious how close to the light they need to be and when I need to up the wattage they are currently under 2...
  10. S

    Water my plants question??

    i need to know how much to water my plant it's currently still a seedling but it's getting taller a little and the bladed leaves are getting a little bigger each day I know you're supposed to water it when the first once of soil is dry then wait till it drugs again and repeat this process, and...
  11. S

    2 brown spots on rounded leaves???

    Update I touched it and one the spots was diet I'm pretty sure the other spot is as well lol.
  12. S

    2 brown spots on rounded leaves???

    yet I'm back with another starting leaves the rounded ones are the problem atleast I think one is perfect and the other has been turned upward ever since it sprouted and I'm noticeing some brown spotting on the bottom of the one rounded leaf is this a cause for concern or what?
  13. S

    Watering my seedling question?

    My soil is starting to dry and ive heard that its best to stick your finger in the soil about an inch and if its dry then it needs watering i wanna know how true this is and if this changes being as it is a seedling? also if this is true do i keep this routine the same throughout the who plants...
  14. S

    white tips on seedling?

    Here's a better pic!
  15. S

    white tips on seedling?

    Im just curious as to if these white ends on my leaves are normal for seedlings? its in fox farm soil im using distilled water and its under 2 60 watt cfls. i know ive been posting alot but i just wanna make sure everything is okay with my plant i dont wanna mess up lol. sorry for the horrible...
  16. S

    new grower needing help!

    heres some pics.
  17. S

    new grower needing help!

    im using 60 watt cfl im gonna be putting up another one in the same room sometime today or tomorrow and its about an arms length away from the plant. i was afraid itd get burnt. as for a pic i cant get one now but i cant in a little bit lol sorry! :[
  18. S

    new grower needing help!

    okay so my plant has been growing for about a week now above dirt i literally last night transplanted from old random soil to fox farm and im now using distilled water only, the soil is moist from the transplant so i havent really watered it. but besides that my seedling doesnt seem to be...