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  1. e4 grower


    when is the perfect age and hight to take a cutting and does the plant have to be in full health to take 2 cuttnings??? thanks for any info peepz!!!
  2. e4 grower

    good nuits

    what is a good nutrient for good all round growth but cheap can any 1 let me no and some web addresses would be good to thanks
  3. e4 grower

    need help fast

    im useing a type of plant food and baby bio my plants are 2weeks into veg there both thai weed and using standard plant grow soil and im useing 2 flouro tubes and 4 cfls but iv only started to get these probs in the last week maybe less
  4. e4 grower

    need help fast

    my plant has got 1 brown leafs and most the others have got brown tips on the ends of there leafs and the other has got a brown stem what does this mean and what can i do to stop it and get my old healthy plant back any advice and i would be greatfull
  5. e4 grower

    brown tips

    wats goin on peepz iv got a problem my plants are starting to get brown tips on the ends of there leafs i need to know what the problem is so any help a.s.a.p would be very aprisheated thanks might it be coused by under watering or hot spots from foil
  6. e4 grower

    sex question

    how old does my plant have to be before i can tell the sex and a little more advice on how to tell the diffrence on with the sex's would be helpful thanks peepz
  7. e4 grower

    life cycle times

    hey guys just need to know does any one know the veg and flower time for thai weed because i got 2 plants but dont know the veg and flower times thanks for any info!!
  8. e4 grower

    lighting advice plz!!

    my set up is 2 1ft fluoro tubes which has 3500k each 1 low wat cpf and a 20w cpf with 2700k and bout 3000kwill this be enough to get my plants from veg to flower and advice would be nice thanks
  9. e4 grower

    seedling help plz!!!!

    i just need some advice ive planted 5 seeds and i need at least 2 to sprout im useing normal grow soil with baby bio nutrients the soil is quite damp is there any thing else i could do to for a definite sprouting and feed back would be nice
  10. e4 grower

    need help plz!!!!

    i was changing my 3 week old plant soil with a new ferterlizer and i didnt realise how long the root were and ripped a few out will this kill my plant or is there any thing i could do the prevent any major problems for the plant any advice a.s.a.p would be extreamely apresheated
  11. e4 grower

    iv updated slightly (advice plz)

    hey thanks for any info my set up is in a small closet 1ft deep 2ft wide and rufly 3.5 4 ft in hight and im useing 2 1ft fluoro tubes and 1 11wat cfl and 1 20wat cfl will this get 1 or 2 plants from veg to flower with a nice bit of bud with out changing the lighting any advice would be gr8...
  12. e4 grower

    lighting advice plz

    hey i need some lighting tips plz im useing 1 low wat 1ft t5 fluoro tube and 1 standard fluoro and a low wat compact fluoro and i need to no will this get 1 single plant from veg to flower with a nice bit of bud with out changin the lighting any info would be gr8 thanks
  13. e4 grower

    looking for advice plz peepz!!

    ok thanks m8 iv got times and all that so u think i should got 1 or two more tube to be on the safe side and thanks for the info
  14. e4 grower

    looking for advice plz peepz!!

    hey thanks for reading im a noob at this iv done alot of reaserch but i just need to know weather my set up will get me from veg to flower with nice bit of bud with out changing light also im on a tight budget. my set up is 1, 1ft t5fluor tube another 1ft fluoro and 1 compact fluoro which is...
  15. e4 grower

    Advice plz advice

    ok well i got 1 t5 fluoro tube and a standard fluoro both 1 foot long and a compact fluoro but will this get me from veg to flower and bud and thanks for the help so far m8
  16. e4 grower

    Advice plz advice

    two of the fluoros are tubes and 1 is compact but low watt im not sure the spectrum and the max wat is bout 30-35 but i am looking to invest in another more powerful fluoro bcoz atm i havnt got the time and money for hid or mh etc thanks for the help
  17. e4 grower

    Advice plz advice

    well atm i have no choice but to use foil the watted is about 25-35max its 2ft long 1 ft deep and bout 4.5 5ft tall and thanks for the info
  18. e4 grower

    need advice

    ok thank if u got any more info please let me no thanks
  19. e4 grower

    need advice plz

    hey thanks for reading and info iv got a small closet coated in tin foil and got 2 standard 1ft fluoro lights and 1 low wat compact fluoro and im useing this to grow 1 plant and a small fan for ventalation and strong stem but im only useing a small fan for vent b'coz its only a small cupboard...
  20. e4 grower

    need advice

    its a total of 30 wats maybe 35 but im only growing 1 plant will that be suitable if not let me no cheerz!?