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  1. danknugg

    call it 3/4 harvest?

    Good looking out brother, great info there. Just asked him he says it's not to clean the outsides, it's the insides like a flush I guess.
  2. danknugg

    call it 3/4 harvest?

    I was thinking the same thing man yeah that doesn't really make a lot sense to me.
  3. danknugg

    call it 3/4 harvest?

    My friend said he's done this for years. A flush I guess. Chops all the stems off and sets the end in 5 gallon buckets of water for 48 hours in dark. Even submerge bottom buds no problems. When I asked him why he couldn't really answer just said it's the way he does it. His stuff speaks for...
  4. danknugg

    Ferrari switch lanes FSL

    Raunchy and erotic, well played
  5. danknugg

    This is 14er Genetics, Boulder CO

    Cool that sounds good to me I would like to grow it out next year or possibly even this winter.
  6. danknugg

    Ferrari switch lanes FSL

    Diamonds in my chains This stuff is so nice Supposed to be hovering above 30% thc as well as over 8% on the cbd side Can't even finish a pipe ahh I love bad btches that's my fkin problem
  7. danknugg

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    My biggest girl Berta and her little sis, Meg. Been hiding Meg in the shade for 4 days and she has moved farther along for sure :) Bout 5 weeks in flower
  8. danknugg

    Help?... not mentally (hint, pick up a shovel)

    Just trying to find interesting and unique ways to handle problems, nothing specific but my buddy just saved my ass, out of town 12 days no choice, 20% relative humidity and 85*+ high temps, I needed a hand...
  9. danknugg

    Help?... not mentally (hint, pick up a shovel)

    Maybe worded badly but how should I know how you run your stuff, only dumb comments are ones you already know are unecessary
  10. danknugg

    There is a awesome new resource every noob should know about ..........

    He probably found the noob help forum through Google. ..
  11. danknugg

    these done?

    I never got why people don't do that, why not we do same thing for tomatoes
  12. danknugg

    After thc starts to produce how long till harvest?

    Slow down... what's your ?
  13. danknugg

    There is a awesome new resource every noob should know about ..........

    I feel like in the advanced growers section that would be ridiculous but here its like saying kids are dumb because they can't do algebra
  14. danknugg

    Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

    Cha ching fox farm Go easy it's strong
  15. danknugg

    There is a awesome new resource every noob should know about ..........

    If they can't post it here where will he get accurate help to grow the herb he deserves, anyone willing to take the time to learn deserve a chance, you don't have to respond it's your choice :) I have learned a TON here and have asked some dumb ones on the way
  16. danknugg

    Help?... not mentally (hint, pick up a shovel)

    Do you have a partner on your grows? If so how do you work out all of the details? If you don't have. a partner, what do you do if there is a time you cannot take care of the grow yourself eg. Out of town, work, death, etc.?
  17. danknugg

    M.I.L.F. Marijuana I'd like to Flower

    Yeah dude they're so cool! Thank you Actually looks like it's gonna be some primo shit too its been babied since day one someone needs more meds :bigjoint:
  18. danknugg

    updated grow heading into the 6th week of flowering.

    They look good I would guess 20 - 30 days maybe, mine look similar and that's what I think
  19. danknugg

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date

    Your goal is to harvest the best weed you can right? Assuming so you are about a month away from smoke with the time left to grow 14+ days and the dry and cure. Don't worry miracle grow is fine, just inorganic so compare it to the same thing as Marlboro cigarettes in terms of cleanliness
  20. danknugg

    Need Help Determining Harvest Date

    Dude that is at least 2 weeks and I didn't even have to open the pics, and yes feed them and get rid of those nasty looking leaves