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  1. C

    Buds getting dry after I pull them out the jar

    They were at about 60% in jar And I will never use but Bovida packs again Took the smell out of every jar I put them in jars did not have the packs kept the smell
  2. C

    Buds getting dry after I pull them out the jar

    Buds are drying up very fast after I pull it out the jar into a bag for a day or too was holding moisture in jars but dry up fast if exposed to air to long.I took the lid off one of my jars for a day and they dam near turned into dust what could cause this? has anyone experienced this ?
  3. C

    Watering and pot size

    My plants are a foot or 2 tall
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    Watering and pot size

    Must be big plants coco dose need more watering
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    Watering and pot size

    Fabric pots I really got to drench them to get run off think that’s what’s throwing me off
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    Certain nutrients for types of grow and effects

    I used the earth juice sea blast the dry nutes on my crop in promix hp last grow anyone know if that might of been a problem in my grow just switched to floranova
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    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    58% they never got hard everything about my last grow was off I did everything to the T once cut down only thing I can think of is I got bugs toward the end of grow and used some 209 mite spray in the water and sprayed the plant a little as well real late in the grow not sure if that can effect...
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    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    I used the bovida packs and every container that had bovida packs in it lost all smell
  9. C

    Watering and pot size

    Just transported from 1 gallon to 5 gallon fabric pots how much water and nutes should I give them going into promix hp
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    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    Wow that’s colder than I here your supposed to dry I dried for about 10 days about 68 degrees and 55 humidity and left the leaves on and dry trimmed
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    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    Yea I did the same with humidity meters in jars to keep at 60% humidity and all
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    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    I gave them about a gallon each in 5 gallon fabric pots at 600 ppm at transplant And they never really soaked up a bunch of the water so I didn’t have to water again for about a week
  13. C

    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    Well I got them to look pretty good but tasted like shit once I take them out of the buckets they’re curing in they dry up all within a day when they were still holding moisture in the buckets and not to icy it’s stressing me out
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    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    You think they would really get hungry that fast it’s only been 2 weeks since transplant
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    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    I was going off the feed chart on the bottle 1table spoon per gallon and says 600 for younger plants
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    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    I’m feeding floranova nutrients RO water starting at 600 ppm with cal mag ph 6.3
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    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    Just gave silica today I just can’t believe how bad they look so fast and don’t know what I did wrong and how do I use dolomite lime
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    I’m going back to basic grow with minimal effort

    I grew for 10 plus years with little problems 3 gallon pots 707 roots organic soil and advanced nutrients color tested ph and never used a pm meter and turned out dank every time I would cut down trim and hang in the grow room for 5 days and toss it in gallon bags never had a problem with tast...
  19. C

    Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP

    About to give up on soil less grow just unhealthy Already soon as I transplanted into Pete promix HP plants yellowing Only gave them one water just gave them their second watering were much healthier and green until I transplanted them