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  1. D

    Mayday, mayday... we have root eaters... WTF SHOULD I DO!!!!!???

    check the thread i just posted, dont know about seedlings though.
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    what do they look like?
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    fungus gnat problem solved

    i used some cheap soil for my last transplant and along with it came some fungus gnats. not the bonus i was looking for, anyway tried alot of things, sand on top, letting it dry out as long as i could. i figured the only way to get rid of them was a physical barrier so they couldnt lay theyre...
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    shinny leaves?

    afgani, peters, 10-30-20, 3 weeks into flower. one of them has always been dark green and shinny with the claw. is the claw a ph problem? there all 8wks old and get the same thing. one tsp per gallon, every 4 days. i dunno, it looks sick but is still budding.
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    shinny leaves?

    some of my leaves are dark green and shinny, is this a problem?
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    help, please

    by the way, i think your the guy my mother warned me about 40yrs ago. ha ha
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    help, please

    some brands are watered down, water is cheap from my faucet. downonwax, you probably use lemon juice, dont you? ha ha
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    help, please

    thanks, knally. no there not all the same
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    help, please

    whats the best ph up/down solution. need to order some now. thanks
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    How do you lower your PH w/o going to the shop?

    dude, throw that shit away! the meters/testers they sell at wallyworld,lowes,homedepot are junk. hanna makes a pretty good meter for about 80 bucks, model hi98127. there tech support is the best. you cant ph soil unless you send it to a lab, not accuratly anyway. what nutes are you useing...
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    molasess brand name?

    no, they were all pretty much the same height intill i started 12 /12. all had the same nutes/watering. 1 6ft afgani, 3 3ft afganis, 2 5ft bagseed. light height was good, no stretch intill 12/12.
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    molasess brand name?

    thanks, i flush, water and nute every 4 days, maybe why there so big. damn things just took off on me. i have to set up my backup light today, putting the hang hooks right into the ceiling.
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    molasess brand name?

    anyone know a good brand name for molasses. i think it would help my 6ft afgani into three weeks of flowering. also, how much per gallon?
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    i got busted :(

    in todays economy the cops dont have enough money to go around and bust people growing a few plants. but no man, not cool in your parents house. should have asked them first, say your sorry you just didnt want to get hold of any bad shit on the street corner.
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    How do you lower your PH w/o going to the shop?

    you have a digital meter? calabrate that shit. my water is also up near 8. after adding nutes, it came in at 6.2 so be carefull. i had problems untill i got a digital meter.
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    sweet spot

    theres nothing better than getting your head right and kicking some ass playing cod4, that shit is the bomb. no im not on an airplane. any one else play cod4, fragging is the best!
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    havent tried it yet, waiting to get paid. anyway, i saw some insect glue on the web, a quart is...

    havent tried it yet, waiting to get paid. anyway, i saw some insect glue on the web, a quart is like 15 bucks, i gonna get some yellow construction paper, thickest i can find, cut it to the shape of two dounut halves with a hole in the middle for the stem and punch a bunch of air holes in it...
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    hermie point?

    if anyone wants some good ideas on a garage grow i'll post a thread in how i did it section. my setup was easy and worked sweet!
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    hermie point?

    dont know how to post pics, anyway, when i tie them over, start with what 45degree angle? they will have to go at least 90 degrees. got plenty of room in my garage, 9ft ceiling height, but after hanging light and shit i have laying around, no more vretical height, sucks because i could probably...
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    hermie point?

    how far down can i top them without herms?