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  1. Buzzkill


    I had a lvl. 70 character on WOW i got banned for talking about weed and using profanity in trade chat. 4th offense! haha
  2. Buzzkill

    Interactive Fiction

    Johnny then looks all around him to identify the person who has said "Paragraphs Please." when suddenly the culprit appears. It's the mailman bringing Johnny the seeds he ordered online. Why the mailman said "Paragraphs Please." is still unknown.
  3. Buzzkill

    my wife is messin' with me mind

    Haha that was pretty fun. It said something about a shotgun. Do i get new weapons as i progress?
  4. Buzzkill

    Interactive Fiction

    Johnny's father then fiercly backhands johnny and shouts "Dont you lie to me boy, I saw those damn KottonMouth Kings waving one of these in their music video"
  5. Buzzkill

    Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snoooowwwwwww!!!!!

    We got two inches.
  6. Buzzkill

    Interactive Fiction

    Just then Johnny's father came rushing down the steps holding johnnys bong and asked johhny "What is this?"
  7. Buzzkill

    Interactive Fiction

    Suddenly his mother asks him "Johnny you have been acting strange lately dear and show many signs of a teen experimenting with marijuana"
  8. Buzzkill

    Any deer hunters here?

    Haha. I hunt but i dont hunt with a gun.I bow hunt. And i do it stoned.
  9. Buzzkill

    Live Chat

    wont work for me either.
  10. Buzzkill

    games that involve drugs he came back for round 2:hump:
  11. Buzzkill

    games that involve drugs

  12. Buzzkill

    It Is Time To Mourn!

    Mourn no more!!!!! Danny has been reborn as Stoner42@
  13. Buzzkill

    games that involve drugs

    stoner42@ you dont happen to be Dan42@ from yesterday do you?
  14. Buzzkill

    that joint

    lol it's been going on 2 months for me. well if you dont count smoking a bowl here and there.
  15. Buzzkill

    Funniest thread on RIU EVER!!!!!!!!

    Haha welcome back FDD. you missed the best thread ever. ; (
  16. Buzzkill

    Favorite Candy to eat while high???

    mmmmmm....i also LOVE milky ways
  17. Buzzkill

    Growers: Secret excuses

    I'm going on a wonderful adventure to my garden of dreams
  18. Buzzkill


    Damn. I would love to purchase some of that.
  19. Buzzkill

    It Is Time To Mourn!

    Mourne Damnit!
  20. Buzzkill

    Got A Secret Stash Spot?

    I would have loved to be the hungry dude who stole your mince meat.:joint: