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  1. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Lol were just too high to comprehend whats going on. And its 1:36 here wait now 1:37 and fuck it im staying up all night im having too much funn.
  2. Buzzkill

    someone smoke

    Lol i also participate in the smoking of Tobacco too.
  3. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    No invite for me i love Aerosmith. DREAM ON! DREAM ON!:peace:
  4. Buzzkill

    Adult swim

    Hes talking about me.
  5. Buzzkill

    Adult swim

    Omg. I'm crushed.....I knew everyone hated me!
  6. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Lol. Im smoking a bowl and having Laugh's. Even if we are fighting i find it humerous.
  7. Buzzkill

    Adult swim

    Lol sweet. Yea that show was badass i like Shin Chan too.
  8. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Iloveyou No Grow but you have to suck me first. Cmon it'll only take 1/2 min. to please me.
  9. Buzzkill

    Large bust in my city!

    lol i got in a fight with a cop(pig) when he was searching me for throwing my sock at him. It landed right in his face. He was fucking pissed. Lol fyi that tazer hurts like a bitch.
  10. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Ok. Im down but i'd like to warn a rookie i only last about 1/2 minute before i well you know.:mrgreen:
  11. Buzzkill

    Adult swim

    I loved Trigun when it came on
  12. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Lol i didnt get pissy i was being sarcastic...Im on a forum talking to stoners like think i take anything said here seriously? lol
  13. Buzzkill

    VIDEO GAMES!!wooo! i stole it from my brother cause it sounds wicked awesome
  14. Buzzkill

    someone smoke

    I'll load the bong...jeez you guys always work me and work me to ruin my life smoking marijuana....But i love it.
  15. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    Hehe make sure to take some pics. With a piece of paper that says Buzzkill is the definition of masculinity so we will know its you.
  16. Buzzkill

    VIDEO GAMES!!wooo!

    Lol yea i wont be on tonight either. It is a computer night.
  17. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    My only reply to that is, You have a very sick and twisted world perspective.
  18. Buzzkill

    VIDEO GAMES!!wooo!

    Ok ill start one up.
  19. Buzzkill

    Is that really me in my avatar ??

    How about both of us smoke a bowl then?
  20. Buzzkill

    Large bust in my city!

    lol ^^^^ I live in a very quiet town and marijuana is smiled upon. All the cops will just take you're drugs whatever they may be and sell them. FUCKIN DIRTY COPS!