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  1. Cornishi

    Growing in an Ikea wardrobe with Gregor.

    Looks like a sprouting cauliflower! lol
  2. Cornishi

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    Sounds awesome. Are you naturally a handyman like this or are you trained in electrics n shiz? I'd never think to do half the stuff you're doing. Probably why my grow cost soo much to start with :D
  3. Cornishi

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    So the peltier doesnt need to be in the water? Just on the side of the tank? Will it have enough power to cool through the side then? Will you need a venturi to distribute the water to ensure it's always flowing? Trying to visualise how it'd work.
  4. Cornishi

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    I'm subscribing to the defoliation method this grow too. Once I get my girl fully ready to take the 3x3 space I have I'll flip her and defoliate for the first 4 weeks of flowering. Seen loads of examples of it making buds explode!
  5. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    The clone going strong.... defoliated her yesterday to encourage more new nodes. Bounced back with vengeance. 36 days since cut from the mother.
  6. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Tric shots of the plants. None are telling me their ready yet. Sugar leaves have ambers on them but that's normal. Buds seem mostly clear/cloudy still. Still got time!
  7. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Updates!! 95 days from seed. Fatty's! A foot of bud ... nom nom.
  8. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    I'm already a month into vegging my clone. Looking to run her in veg until my trans are finished. Defoliated her today too to get more light into the canopy. I bought a loupe but I'll be damned if I can get a proper look at trics. I'll just stick to my S6 camera with a macro lens blu tacced on...
  9. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Yay some love! I'm more excited about the single plant scrog that the initial grow of 3 plants. I want to create a monster! :D
  10. Cornishi

    Drying room - will this work?

    Beauty of loft space is that the air is constantly recirculating due to not being a perfect seal. Should be peachy.
  11. Cornishi

    Drying room - will this work?

    Sure. I get that. It's my understanding that abnove 70% Humidity and warm temperatures is the bredding ground for mould. So I hoped that a cool 16 C will be cold enough to slowly dry without risk of mold regardless of humidity. Although 65% seemed a lil high for me. I'll monitor it over time...
  12. Cornishi

    Drying room - will this work?

    That's the kinda reply I was hoping for. From what I've read it should work but always best to have confirmation. Risk of mould terrifies me.
  13. Cornishi

    BSB's Midsize Bake Shop (Feel free to comment)

    Very similar setup to mine. How many you planning to grow in that space?
  14. Cornishi

    Drying room - will this work?

    So after some input. Was looking into different spaces for drying. My loft sits at 65RH and 16 degrees Celsius. Can I hang dry in here or is it too cold and too high humidity? After a hassle free dry and the rest of the house is like 25 degrees plus.
  15. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    Any feedback would be greatly welcome! Am lonely in here!
  16. Cornishi

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    I reckon I'll get you to come kit my space out when I'm ready lol. The man is a mind!
  17. Cornishi

    Trans Siberian Auto's Soil & 600w hps!

    So updates... 91 days from seed. Dunno how much longer I'll need to run these for now. I suspected they'd go longer than I thought once they went into full bloom. Keep feeling there's at least a week left on the back left and maybe 2 0 3 weeks on the other two. Any one wanna take a punt...
  18. Cornishi

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    Epic story.... hopefully you wont run into too many more of those situations!! :D
  19. Cornishi

    Resinhounds closet

    Will have to look into this in the future then. HID's are troublesome in my grow room due to heat. I'd love something that didn't pump out as much heat but produced similar results.