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  1. Faroos

    y equipment, need your opinions and help.

    Thanks a lot. Extremely helpful of you. I never owned or worked a PH meter (electrical) and before yesterday, I have never seen or heard of em lol. When I put it in filtered drinking water it gives me a reading of 3.. Which is weird :P There are no buttons to calibrate the thing ... Sorry for...
  2. Faroos

    second insect!!!

    Shit!! How should I deal with it? I don't just want a quick fix, I want a permanent fix. I will be putting the sticky paper, what should I add to my water just to kill them?
  3. Faroos

    y equipment, need your opinions and help.

    I got myself a few things, and would like your generous help. Below are two pics of things I have obtained. A Hanna PH Meter and I have no idea how to calibrate it. It reads 3.5 in normal water. Second is a Ph/KH up solution for aquariums from my local pet store. It has german written all over...
  4. Faroos

    second insect!!!

    would sand from the sea work? should I put it in the oven/microwave to "clean" it Thanks
  5. Faroos

    bottled water..YAY or NAY?

    It has calcium magnesium potassium nitrates sulphates and bicarbonates..... It also has sodium and a bit of chlorine, which cant be good for the plant.. Opinions please.
  6. Faroos

    second insect!!!

    Yesterday and today morning I found 2 very small insect with wings (I dont think they are mites as they were more brownish than white) They were jumping on the soil although they had tiny wings... what are they? how can I fix the problem? This is my first ever pest problem :(
  7. Faroos

    When is the best time to use nutes? (also other q's)

    should I water every watering? Lets says 4 days.. ? Stupid question, but does anyone know how to calibrate an electronic PH tester?
  8. Faroos

    When is the best time to use nutes? (also other q's)

    10 days hmmm... too early for me. My soil is organic, plain with a bit of perlite. I think I will start nuting her on the 15-20 day mark. Any signs I should be looking for brfore I use my Iguana juices :P
  9. Faroos

    When is the best time to use nutes? (also other q's)

    English is a second language to me lol so molasses sounds gibberish to me. I doubt I can get it from where I come from anyways. How about when I should start with the nutes??? My plant is 2 days old
  10. Faroos

    When is the best time to use nutes? (also other q's)

    Mind you, Im going all organic. Iguana juice Grow & Bloom...anything else you guys recommend I use with these two? Does organic nutes like above mentioned fluctuate PH levels, and if so acidic or alkaline? What is the best way to adjust PH... Sorry for the wabble of questions, thanks...
  11. Faroos

    How do you use (Advanced Nutes.)

    boneman, English is a second language to me. I tried going through the calculator thing, and I still couldn't figure out, when or how to use it :(
  12. Faroos

    How do you use (Advanced Nutes.)

    Iguana Juice grow & bloom?? Any specific sched? I have ever used nutes in my life. When do I first start using them? How much per Litre of water? Do I mix both the bloom and grow together? Thanks guys
  13. Faroos

    cant Germinate..

    Next batch are going im going to be using dubb83's method (ziplock) for now, I placed my 4 day old 2 seeds into peat cups with soil. placed it over a heater on low.
  14. Faroos

    cant Germinate..

    how about white widows? white russian? silver haze? Whats the best ways you guys have encountered in germinating these seeds? whats the highest/lowest temp. you can germinate in? Thanks
  15. Faroos

    cant Germinate..

    its been 4 days.
  16. Faroos

    cant Germinate..

    Got 30 seeds from amsterdam. 7 have been wasted. I just cant germinate for heaven's sake. I tried the "tissue between 2 plates", I tried dropping them in normal soil, nothing seems to happen!!!! I heard about placing them in a glass of water, would this way work? any tips? Thanking you
  17. Faroos


    It actually survived with one set of leaves, but I thought the traumatic 2 day limpness of a shock would def. turn it into a hermi or worst, a male. I decided to put it down and germ 3 more seeds (white russian, White widow and Silver haze). Wish me luck.. been germin for 2 days.
  18. Faroos


    Leaves are starting to crumple. Im going out. Already working or germinating 2 more seeds (I hate the germination part, it kills me, any tips will be greatly appreciated) Also, if I was to use a HUGE pot, how should the watering schedules be like? I cant carry the pot myself to check the...
  19. Faroos


    Latest update... I think its dead :(
  20. Faroos


    yes, but a lot of roots survived. Will it survive, any chance whatsoever?