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  1. G

    Starting and sprouting seeds outdoors.100% outdoor survivial of the fitest

    Interested to hear an update from you, i as well live in this shitty Mid West climate. I live on the border of Michigan and Indiana. Temps were perfect for 1-2 weeks, highs were in the 70's now it is around high 30's today... I am currently starting indoors. Plants are a few inches tall in a...
  2. G

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    I agree^ Last year when i grew outdoor before a deer ate my plant 'not kidding, got that bitch on video'. I encountered this issue, I know some people stray away from this so much but i actually used a tad bit of urine in desperation due to high nitrogen (urine was mixed with majority water of...
  3. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Oh and about the potting! There is noway i planned to just drop these babies in the ground in these pots! I will be putting them in a decent sized put before being transplanted into either the ground, or their final bucket. I am not a huge fan of this soil, although it does seem to drain really...
  4. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Honestly if you two are the only ones who follow this will be more than happy with the amount of useful input you attribute! Basically as you may have already read i am only starting these indoors, was only planned to be for a week, but it looks like it may be another week or two. The weather...
  5. G

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit) We both seem to have the same general startup in a few ways. I learned some mistakes not to make from you, such as the nutes too early on!
  6. G

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Just wanted to say i respect how much effort you put into this plant man. I think showing a plant love gives the best outcome of all. I am surprised more people are not all over this due to the constant pictures/updates. I as well just started a journal, mine should be interesting with half...
  7. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Day 4-5 Plants appear the be forming what i see a second set of leaves? Not sure how to classify what is the first/second pair. Note: Lights are of a 24/0 schedule. Over time i intend to lower this to 18/6 before i transfer outdoor. I also plan to invest in a fan for better ventilation...
  8. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Day 3 Look at the amazing growth that has taken place 24hrs since the last picture. Couldn't be happier with the 6 plants at this point. (Seventh plant was tossed after this picture was taken, my mistake). For reference the plant that was tossed was the far back plant, shriveled up and turned...
  9. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Day 2 after planting germinated seed: Smaller bulb was not yet added, sprouted extremely fast although a seventh plant sprouted and died almost immediately for an unknown reason. After tearing up, i suspected root rot.
  10. G

    First Ever Indoor/Outdoor Grow, CFL, Journal

    Hello Fellow Growers! Summary: Due to the amazing NW Indiana climate i am starting my first indoor plants before transferring them to the outdoors when the weather becomes more stable. There are currently 6 plants under the setup, i am using 50/50 odds of female. I would be more than happy to...
  11. G

    Thoughts on temporary indoor growth until warmer weather?

    Hello growers! I recently started a batch of bagseed i had from personal favorite smokes i saved. I tend to be more of a sativa guy than Indica unless i am using it as a sleep aid. Anyways! I started 20 bagseed in a paper towel, with a heating bad at a constant 90degress around it. To my...
  12. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    Well it has been 4 days now and check out my growth so far, my humidity was slightly low at first. I also added one additional 26w Daylight bulb. Any tips for sprout lings? I am almost sure one is going to die for an unknown reason, has turned purple and shriveled up. It doesn't bother me...
  13. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    I have since turned the light off, as i am unsure whether to have it on before they sprout or not. I had it on for a good 8 hours or so. Maybe that might help them find their way to the surface? Watered before the seeds were planted, none since. NO nutes are in the soil or water just a little...
  14. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    As you can see i am waiting for the seeds to sprout after being germinated. It has been roughly 24hours now and still no signs, i believe i am starting to see the tip of a seed in the bottom left cup. As i mentioned earlier the soil seems very moist and somewhat compact so i am a little worried...
  15. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    I could probably squeeze in another 2 bulbs of the same wattage, would that make a decent amount of light? Also should i have the light on over the coil before the seed has sprouted? They are all germinated and planted with nice big taproots. Soil seems a bit to moist though...
  16. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    That is exactly the size i am looking to get Growindad! Maybe even a bit smaller, see im not looking for major growth more less an environment where these babies can maintain and live for a few days or a week until i can trust the weather to put them outside. Sunnyjim, unfortunately i live in...
  17. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    Temperature in cabinet/drawer is a steady 70-75, with humidity around 50-60%.
  18. G

    Is this suitable for a indoor sproutling starter?

    Hello fellow growers! Saddened to say but i have tried to start sprout lings indoor before and for some reason they all sprouted but then turned yellow, dried up, then died.. On the other hand when it was warm enough to do all stages outdoor, i never had a problem starting my babies.. Now it...