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  1. anclado

    my precious

    :weed: they are growing in buenos aires... this is mi cuttest one
  2. anclado

    Starting a bonsai thread...

    i`m not sure... i think it could be a good mother plant!
  3. anclado

    Starting a bonsai thread...

    Well, this is an unknown strain, maybe from paraguay (i`m from buenos aires, and almost all the pot comes from paraguay even with some healthy seeds) and has been harvested. After that, the lowest piece and roots were put to reveget. What do you think? more photos coming soon i see i need...
  4. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    these are the last photos... buenos aires town sun is now doing great
  5. anclado

    my litte baby plants

  6. anclado

    Any bubbakushers out there?

    awesome pics... great weed
  7. anclado

    White widow seedlings

    Try using more light...
  8. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    no one knows? :(
  9. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    Houston, we`ve got a problem. This bugs are all over my plants... how can i kill them!!!??? they are 2-3mm long
  10. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    Some recent photos of my plants... so far ive got 2 girls and a boy. Expecting to know the sex of another couple in a while............. :weed:
  11. anclado

    My little baby plants #2

    Well... they are almost 3 weeks old, growing with three 20w cfl, a light for each one. what do you think?
  12. anclado

    Seedlngs not getting enough water?

    post a photo please! btw the cfl is not the problem...
  13. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    my lab... every place covered with aluminium paper! the leaves of these babies are 2.5cm / 1 inch long... 7 days ago were seeds and i dont know what about this one and it`s yellow leaves... what do you think?
  14. anclado

    CFL/T12 grow 1ST grow... =) +rep thx

    your baby`s growing nice... i`ve got right now my 1st grow with 3 babies younger than yours... and hoping to be as cute as yours! btw... use aluminium paper!!! it works great
  15. anclado

    8 days in the dirt

    they are really nice! this is my thread, my babies have been in the soil about 4 days.. i hope mine to be as yours
  16. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    These are the last photos... the macro is really cool. What do you think?
  17. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    this is how they look right now... being 20cm / 8" away of the light thanks for the comments!
  18. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    ok! thank you a lot.. Right now they look like this, being 15/20cm (6/8") away from the light... i`ll take better pictures soon...
  19. anclado

    my litte baby plants

    whatta f*... 1-2"??? that`s only 5cm away from the plants.. are you sure guys???? i`m scared to burn these littl´plants! they`re the only thing i`ve got! btw, i hate your imperial units :smile: and something else, it´s ok to give`em 18 hs of light? thanks a lot!