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    Just started a crazy experiment

    first pic is 14 days ago last two are 3 days ago when i put them out lets see how they do.
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    Just started a crazy experiment

    better late than never!
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    is it sebor from chech republic most othes contain no thougone (dont know how to spell) because its banned over most the world because its corrosive to the eyes hence the expression blind drunk.
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    my banana experiment

    cool man just thought this was all about sharing info not your place on the ladder
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    my banana experiment

    i think in some circles it is established and if my last two grows have anything to go by im up to about 90/95% females and it cant be just luck because i dont have any lol
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    my banana experiment

    shorter days more females and to the guy before what the thinker thins the prover proves
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    my banana experiment

    i have been told shorter day length is good 16/8 not the 18/6 that most folks use
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    Nirvana Has Failed ME!!!!

    at last someone that understands cheap and nasty.
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    problem with leaves?

    that is pretty strange can you clarify on what type of compost you used and you say you have not fed. have you checked water p.h as sometimes this can trigger nute probs and also check e.c value if your using tap water it can have a lot of things dissolved into it. o and just to make things more...
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    problem with leaves?

    after another look at the pics could be nitrogen o.d they are very dark green
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    problem with leaves?

    too much nutes the burn on the tips is a good indicator of this which one i cant tell from the pics flush for a while then start feeding again. little less than before should be o.k
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    swamp growing

    cant you get compost in bags at the garden center in 80 liter bags or the u.s equivalent you can cut holes in these and plant straight in it
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    hermaphrodite info PLEASE

    no you can use them to make canna butter for cakes but theres not alot of t.h.c in male plants
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    hermaphrodite info PLEASE

    seen that a few times start off with a few hairs on top then turns into a male i dont think its a true herm just a sexual trick herms come later when floral expansion is well under way. but if you dont want seeds got to get it away from the others.
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    Nirvana Has Failed ME!!!!

    i live in uk and its easy to get any seedbank you wish and i can tell you we dont touch nirvana unless you are really skint their genetics are not good lots turn out to be herm and never really do what they say on the packet do none of the big dutch companies ship to the states ? paradise seeds...
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    Help with first time AK47 grow

    no man they veg for a lot longer outside yours are just gonna be big
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    double boiler acetone hash

    use lighter gas and pass it through the weed collect in a bowl and just let it evaporate outside no need for heat wont be hash but very pure very clean oil and for fuck sake dont smoke near this i have seen it go up in one big cloud of flame
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    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    its only bad luck when it runs out and you have no other way of lighting up lol
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    1st Outdoor Grow.. PICS, BUGS..Please help

    slugs snails? put some slug pellets down
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    rogue plant

    yea i see what your saying now better to stick to a routine than to mess it around after all at the equator day length dosent change that much 10-14 either way and its mainly the drop below 12hrs day light that gets them going and im pretty sure they can grow some good pot. do you think any one...