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  1. J


    Hey I only just saw this post I don't understand how I missed it that's the kind of thing I want to make , what bulbs are you running here, also what's the proper name for this in the picture my hardware store had no idea what I was talking about but this is what I was looking for
  2. J


    Thanks mate when I jumped on the pc I saw your sig and I've found the training section , last thing I'm not sure of is what to look for in the nutes , I've seen a few reccomendations but they were products in America and I don't think they have them here
  3. J


    I think its seperated enough I may have to line the draws with something to seal the draw section off from the inside for light and smell reasons
  4. J


    Thanks, I'm on Mobile so the sig doesn't show up
  5. J


    Any chance you could link me to it I can't find it at all
  6. J


    Yeh thought so awesome deffinatly along the lines of what I need cheap and effective and I'll only be having the one girl in there so one or 2 will be fine
  7. J


    Yeh sounds good , would string also work I'm worried about being to rough and killing her , also these are bag seeds so no idea what kind of strain but the smoke was real nice brought it of a mate a few times when he got a bag
  8. J


    Does the carbon hold the smaller cup in place ?? It looks like it will fall out quite easy but looks amazing and I'll probably use this
  9. J


    Thanks man sounds dope , next pay I'll pickup my lights and pc fans then next pay I'll grab my nutes and odor control [edit] I get paid every 2 weeks maybe I need nutes and lights first
  10. J


    You guys have been so helpful I really appreciate everything and will continue to appreciate anyone who doesn't mind sticking around as I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions along the way and I can't repay you in cash but if there's anything I can do in return let me know
  11. J


    Thanks allot I was still working out what to do about the smell , if all else fails and she stinks the whole house out I do have a mates I can take her to for the last few weeks
  12. J


    Thanks mate , what do you think about the cupboard vs coffee table ??
  13. J


    I had one other idea I use the top as my wardrobe and the bottom 2 draws just have junk in I could move the shit out of the draws and break the bottom of the top draw and I'd have over half a metre hight and there's a power point right behind the cupboard I could put the fans in the back so no...
  14. J


    Now here's the little coffee table I want to use , not the best photo but you get the idea I was going to put a couple cheap pc fans in the top and my 10cm fan inside
  15. J


    Update on the girls since I 're potted the one with a kind of half a leaf was drooping the most but has picked up my smallest is still looking very sad but we will see how she goes
  16. J


    Well I'm going to give it ago that sounds reassuring I'll upload some pics later of my bits and pieces , did you wire your own globes ??
  17. J


    How many watts of light was this under because I'm worried about my plant getting to high I 're measured and I have a foot and a 3rd high and a foot and a half wide those plants look almost to high concidering I'll have the lights take up almost a 3rd of a foot leaving not much to work with
  18. J


  19. J


    Danny that sucks about your journals man sorry to hear hope it's just a glitch or something, what training would you recommend for small grow ? I was planning on topping a couple times then just tying down the highest point over and over as I saw in a few vids I don't know much about super...
  20. J


    Any reccomendations on when to switch over to 12-12 ?? I've seen someoone get 13gs out of a 1 1/2 ft plant so I guess I'd switch over at just under 1/2, can you please link me to your stealth grow guide ? I also want to try and do the bloom in the same box swapping over the lights if possible...