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  1. 0

    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    A see so seeds from Seedsman should generally speaking have good quality genes? Whats his auto flowers like? I were looking at some Auto Great White Shark or Auto Lemon. Also are them Skunk 1#, Afgani #1 and Northern Light #1 come feminized? Or are they only in regulars if you get the orginals...
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    First day of flowering, how much bigger will they get?

    A see, because they are getting extremely bushy lol I dont think they are going to go upways haha cannit wait for them to start to show buds they smelling sweet as fuck already lol
  3. 0

    Sprout wont loose seed

    Is it sprouting out the soil but where there seedling leaves should be coming out are they sort of getting stuck inside the seed shell? I have had this happen to a few seeds of mine, a couple i have managed to save, but a have killed alot too lol at first i tried just picking it of which a was...
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    First day of flowering, how much bigger will they get?

    Nar thats exactly what I was looking for all plants are different, so no one could know exactly how they going to grow just fancied a rough estimate. Sativa usually have longer flowering times and grow taller, which would be awkward because it means the they all going to finish at separate times...
  5. 0

    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    Yeah those Violator Kush sound Incredible, reminds me of some sort of bluberry Hindu Kush mixture... very mouth watering at the thought of it ;) But no i were meaning them cropi canna have you tried any? Wish i could just veg, flower and cure them in a week lol Need some sort of super HID...
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    First day of flowering, how much bigger will they get?

    So i have just put my Jack Herers into flower and was wondering how much growth should i expect, height wise? not theb est picture of them I know but could anyone give a rough judgement? Ano some will stretch more than otehrs more likely the two on the left because they have more Sativa in them...
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    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    Please try and keep me updated on that RM lol I wont be able to sprout it for a a good few months. I'm dying to know how it smells taste weather a should be as excited as I am over it lol Yeah I only have one room really need to look at getting a veg room sorted. I have already popped 2 Exodus...
  8. 0

    Cab - 200W HPS - 4x BS JH 1x Blue Pyramid - First Grow

    Last update before they go in flower, how much bigger would you expect them to get? Well a think they could do with being a bit more stable, the two no the right look the same, but the one on the left at the back looks a lot more Sativa like and the one at front left... well a don't quite know...
  9. 0

    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    Arr a see thank you for correcting me on this then :) I just searched for kandy kush and thats what it come up with didn't realise it was just a cross, not quite as excited about those beans now but they shall still be good no doubt. Haha cant help it am like a kid at Christmas cant wait to...
  10. 0

    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    Nice order yourself there mate, but personally that raspberry mandarin has my mouth watering already im dying to crack it and kick one of Jack Herers outside... and they actually starting to smell sweet as a nut lol well tbh all them have my moth watering... golden grapefuit, orange...
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    So i just recieved my order from Sea of Seeds...

    ... and the result was fantastic. :) ordered it over the weekend on Saturday and recorded delivery arrived today, couldn't fault the service at all. A*. As for the seeds... again best seeds i have ever received! ( Although that might have something to do with the Rollitup promo cheers for that...
  12. 0

    Cab - 200W HPS - 4x BS JH 1x Blue Pyramid - First Grow

    Previous Post Images: shall be updating with some new pics soon they have come along very well :) Then after this update later there al done one more on the day a put them into flower :)
  13. 0

    Light Timer - 250w HPS

    Arr i see so the digital timer i thought i wasted my money on might not have been such a waste thewn? if i hook one of these contacters up to my timer will it work? Cause recommended load for the timer is 3120w so a thought it should easily handle a 250w hps...
  14. 0

    Light Timer - 250w HPS

    Ok so I need a timer to switch my light on and off for flower, i have been to b and q and bought a 15quid digital timer thats utter bollox max load of 3120w my arse wont even switch the dam lamp on or off. So all i am asking is there anywhere i could buy one of the internet from? Whjat would be...
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    Cab - 200W HPS - 4x BS JH 1x Blue Pyramid - First Grow

    Update with some pics of the finished room hopefully sorted a heat issue out by having an extra fan pointing towards the light. I reckon a week more before flower or does anyone reckon longer? Not sure how tall they will get that's all. Also I could do with editing the thread title... it's...
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    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    £100 for an ounce? How good is it like? The price round here ranges from £200-£220 depending on quality... not so sure how much that is in dollars though.
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    Cab - 200W HPS - 4x BS JH 1x Blue Pyramid - First Grow

    Good to hear, not sure if its just me but the big Jack Herer i have isnt half growing, im sure its starting to smell a tiny bit already if thats even possible :/ going to be a lovely smoke if all goes right :) shall post some more pics in about 2 weeks, should hopefully be all transplanted into...
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    2ft x 5ft x 5ft - Requirements

    I have added a grow journal up on this, so anyone who was wanting pics i have started a journal and have pics of my finished grow room and plants :)
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    Favorite drug besides mj?

    Cocaine has to be my favourite drug. Ultimate high if you get some good shit. Unfortunately i don't like paying £40 for a gram of washing powder and with coke you can hardlies argue with where your getting it from round here. Marijuana resorted to be my favourite due to the steep price and...