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  1. L

    Estimate my yield - Pics

    Oh yeah, I forgot the most important part. A couple of them apparently hermied. I havn't found or seen any seeds in buds yet, only seen a couple sitting at the bottom of the pile. So I'm hoping the damage is minimal.
  2. L

    Estimate my yield - Pics

    I just weighed it all and I currently have 300.8 grams. I've been smoking off it tho since it was burnable so I'm guessing the total would have been somewhere just over 11 ounces.
  3. L

    Curling blueberry leaves????

    My Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine's leaves curl too and I couldn't figure out why. After reading DP's description of Skywalker, I think the curling is actually expected as it appears to be a genetic trait to the blue family. This is off of their website, Skywalker description: "Blueberry...
  4. L

    My plants apparently hermie'd

    I harvested on Wed and they've been hanging for the past two days. The outsides are starting to get "crispy" so I started cutting the buds off to put them all in jars. When I was done, I had 2 seeds just laying where my pile of plants was. I know I did not have any males so that means one...
  5. L

    Estimate my yield - Pics

    Thanks for all the kind words. This is my 3rd grow ever and my first two were in an entirely different setup so I don't know yet how much I yield each time. My guess is 6-8, I just didn't say because I didn't want to sway anybodies opinion. As for the density, some of the lower buds aren't...
  6. L

    Estimate my yield - Pics

    I just harvested tonight at day 63 of flowering. All 10 of my ladies are Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine although there are 3 different phenotypes so some look different than others. It was a bit early for one of the phenotypes but the other two were done so I harvested. Please guess my yield...
  7. L

    two free 5 packs of dinafem .....

    I germinated my seeds last Friday. Every single blue hash seed cracked and every single cloud #9 seed did not.
  8. L

    Transfer from soil to aero - How big/when?

    I went ahead and transferred them last night (4 days after planting seed). They were still very young looking but I said screw it and did it anyway. Well I ended up snapping two of them in the process but both appear to be doing well today. I snapped one's bottom end off so it doesn't have...
  9. L

    Does anybody dry in the same room they grow?

    It would be while growing. I'm thinking I could just put up some black plastic to block off light and just keep humidity low. Do you see any potential problems with this? I don't want to lose anything.
  10. L

    Does anybody dry in the same room they grow?

    Obviously this is not recommended for numerous reasons but there's got to be someone out there that does. Anybody? If so, how? Any tips? My grow isn't necessarily "stealth", but people who come over have no idea it's there because the room is locked and there are no signs. I don't have...
  11. L

    Transfer from soil to aero - How big/when?

    I want to know the earliest I can safely pull them, not the latest. I'm dealing with seedlings here, not fully grown plants. The first seedling sprouted on Friday, the last seedling looks like it will come up tonight. The biggest one is about 3 inches or so and only has 4 leaves (the two oval...
  12. L

    Transfer from soil to aero - How big/when?

    Shit, one of my seedlings is about 4 inces already! She's only got 4 leaves, the two oval ones you normally see on seedlings, then two normal MJ looking leaves (really small tho). The first seedling sprouted on Friday, the last one looks like it will come up tonight. So anyway, were your...
  13. L

    Are my plants hermie'ing? (pics)

    Thanks guys. Glad to see it was paranoia not male junk.
  14. L

    Transfer from soil to aero - How big/when?

    I posted this is the 'General' forum but it didn't get any hits. Maybe this question is more suited to the hyrdo forum: I'm germinating some seeds in soil right now and will need to transfer them to aero when they sprout. I plan on pulling them straight out of the soil, dunking whatevers...
  15. L

    What is the benifet with Auto Flowering seeds?

    I did freely admit to never growing an auto. But that doesn't mean I don't know about them. I would have and could have answered the OPs question but it was answered a few times over before I stumbled onto this thread. It's one thing to say auto's suck. But it's completely different to say...
  16. L

    Are my plants hermie'ing? (pics)

    According to this thread, male sacs can have white pistols: Here are some more pics, I tried to get better ones but it looks like the focus is still messed up.
  17. L

    What is the benifet with Auto Flowering seeds?

    Hell, I never even said they were bad. All I implied was that they could never be as potent as their non-auto counterparts. WHERE are the people who can READ and UNDERSTAND?!!?!
  18. L

    What is the benifet with Auto Flowering seeds?

    LOL, read. I didn't say ruderalis was never mixed with any other strains. I said it has never been mixed to INCREASE POTENCY. That is because you don't mix ruderalis to increase potency, you interbreed with a ruderalis to increase resilience and/or modify photeperiod time.
  19. L

    Are my plants hermie'ing? (pics)

    They're sitting below the buds but above the stems of the fan leaves. They look like pollen sacs with pistols coming out of them. And there's really no buds around them.